Editions MSS
Editions MSS
Words to Make a Story Out of
Ninth Pod

A great powerful thing

§ 382 | RT
Despite its superficial formalist bravado, Robert Trober’s Êtr' orb is actually a roman traditionnel, complete with all the trite appurtenances — plot, characters, setting, description, dialogue, and so on — of said RT. Romans à tiroirs [1/035]. Rondini di temi (thematic swifts) [1/062]. Romantic theory. Roman à thèse. Roman transitionnel. Récit traumatique. Recherche travailleuse. Recherche translexicale. [...]
§ 383 | Razor
[Robert Trober and Rao’s widow apparently had an affair — or was it a ménage-à-trois with R himself? Was Swopes involved? Perhaps Rao's experiments in promiscuity started when he discovered that nostalgia is due to shaving oneself in a mirror, and, once he had tried shaving without a mirror, he moved on to exploring the possibilities of having others shave him and, one thing led to antoher... ultimately, his doom, as it was the very razor which had facilitated so many session of alloafeitage that performed the coup de grâce.])

“In this unforgiving city, a casual visit to a late night café can land the visitor in the middle of a fight between razor-wielding thugs squabbling over a bookie’s defaults.” “Camberton’s portrait of a Soho with streetwalkers, razor fights and literary coteries is as effective in its way as Colin McInnes’s anatomy of multi-racial London in his fiction of the early 1960s.” [R. Kaveney, Farewell to Fitzrovia. Roland Camberton’s literary low-life. TLS, 25 February 2011, p. 20.]

§ 384 | Trevi Pulsar Nemo
The accusation of “plagiarism, piracy, and parody” (PPP) levelled against me by Trevi, Pulsar, Nemo & Assn., Ltd., soi-disant “Agents, Solicitors, and Publishers in Law and Literature,” is as absurd as if I were to initiate a replevin so as to attempt to recover my steadfast steed of equine origin, my loyal mount of aetio-equineness, Burrasca, from a rather lengthy roman traditionnel (RT) put out a good yazdehan of years after I had begun composing my SNE. Likewise, should I insinuate that the akašophile Lamont Replevin, of Elflock Villa, Stuffed Edge, Herts, found his way into that same bloated but all too ordinary narrative (ON) by means of some venal literary imposture on the part of the obscure author (OA)? That would be as inane as if I were to unravel the imposter’s novelistic rapture by pointing out that Reef Traverse’s younger brother Kit’s involvement with a Nipponese researcher in quaternions, Umeki Tsurigane (whom the former calls “my little plum blossom”), somehow verminously palters or tampers with the following lexical trident milked from my inculpatory coterie of legalistic asps’ own eponymous shingle: traverse, plum, and ion!

Vernal Imposture: "The dining room met us with a smell of fried fat and a faded smile. It was a spacious and pretentious place with maudlin murals depicting enchanted hunters in various POSTUREs and states of enchantment aMId a medley of pallid animals, dryads and trees." [Lolita, I, 27] [VERNAL?] "Above all—since we are speaking of movement and youth—I liked to see her spinning up and down Thayer Street on her beautiful young bicycle: rising on the pedals to work on them lustily, then sinking back in a languid POSTURE while the speed wore itself off; and then she would stop at our mailbox and, still astride, would flip through a magazine she found there, and put it back, and press her tongue to one side of her upper lip and push off with her foot, and again sprint through pale shade and sun." [Lolita, II, 8] ""Can you remember," she said, "what was the name of that hotel, you know [nose pucketed], come on, you know—with those white columns and the marble swan in the lobby? Oh, you know [noisy exhalation of breath]—the hotel where you raped me. Okay, skip it. I mean, was it [almost in a whisper] The Enchanted Hunters? Oh, it was? [musingly] Was it?"—and with a yelp of amorous VERNAL laughter she slapped the glossy bole and tore uphill, to the end of the street, and then rode back, feet at rest on stopped pedals, POSTURE relaxed, one hand dreaMIng in her print-flowered lap." [Lolita, II, 13] (the amorous [vernal posture I'm] dreaming of...

§ 385 | Assez off, Paul
§ 386 | ATD, DEN
Asso Toloste’s Dynamic Den, a sex logur in the Lepastic neighborhood of Mastersheen, where I found ATD by DEN, whilst I was engaged, after I'd split from N, whom, by the way, I'd dated for what'd seemed like ages, in a transient dentad with Dan and Ted, two teenage Appalachian tea-dancers, tenebrious and edacious, I'd encountered one tentacular night whilst tendentiously inebriated on Tadjik boukhá.

Across the Divide (ATD), the anti-text of Contra Diem (CD), by Donal E. Neal (DEN), the anti-author of Nolan E. Deal (NED). The author, or anti-author, rather, was an inmate of the nearby Appalachian Mental Institution, which had put out his asinist anti-text a perversely perfect yazdehan of yazdeh-annos after I began composing my SNE in the moanzy aerie of my Chicken Street hutch back in Paris some eleven years before. Ostensibly a manuscript found in the hut of Highlander Nolan E. Deal after he was arrested in the rape of a waif (W), an obscene screed scribbled in Ityalian rime argile that even Dante’d have blushed at, seemingly indecipherable but for its title, Contra Diem. However, the Caledonian paperist H. R. Plynchton is able to decipher and edit the text, publishing it as a roman à tiroir (RAT) entitled Across the Divide. In the frame story of CD, Deal relates how he came across in the market a book, ATD, by Neal. The bulk of the poem then goes on to describe the contents of Neal’s ATD. In the Appalachian mining town of Erie, the inhabitants build a subterranean mirror, or rather anti-village, called Eire, in a coal pit, in order to take refuge from [lacuna]. The coal pit housing Eire contains a tunnel, in the rough shape of a de Laval, or convergent-divergent (CD), nozzle, redolent of mephitic fumes, and known in the rapidly depopulating Erie as the “Divide” and in Eire as the “Edivid” (pronounced ‘e-divide’), that functions as sort of wormhole to accelerate “Stash Hags,” as a group of adventurous intoxicands come to be called, through various way stations throughout, along, within, and among Dunne’s disordered pleroma of “time.” When called upon to explain the workings of the Edivid, Deana T. De Dantby, a visiting fluid dynamicist from Dentondale, Tex., invokes both the Bernouilli principle and Venturi effect (named after Giovanni Battista Venturi [15 March 1746–24 April 24 1822], but, suffering effects of the coal gas herself, calls the state of subjectively timeless equilibrium the Stash Hags experience, Venturi’s Pleroma, which becomes the name of the textual playground upon which the Stash Hags’ adventures unspool. The author’s or anti-author’s reliance on the out-moded methods of R. Roussel and Oda Elton becomes apparent. Likewise that which involves Replevin. Another involves an Emir El-Igra. And so on.

Contra Diem takes its title from the motto, "Nemo contra diem nisi daso ipsi" ('Nothing, not even its own shadow, can rail against the day', dāso being Sanskrit for 'servant, slave'; metaphorically, thus, the day's slave = shadow).

ATD = acute tryptophan depletion; ATD impairs longterm memory, decreases recognition of facial emotion; ATD end(-)

§ 387 | SH
§ 388 | Super bop go man
§ 389 | Esorglar y fin
§ 390 | Zersionylladaru
§ 391 | OA
§ 392 | F
“For [F] to support a proposition of Norlia’s was sufficiently rare to tip the scale.” (A. Powell, Books do furnish a room, ch. 2, p. 86)
§ 393 | F. Maa
Firing (pronounced “fearing”) Maa.

“For [F. Maa] to support a proposition of Nolan E. Deal’s was sufficiently rare to tip the scale.” (A. Powell, Books do furnish a room, ch. 2, p. 86)

§ 394 | Paul Klee
§ 395 | Anti
"Until someone writes this history, we will continue to endure an anti-history that neither understands the past nor enlightens our shared future." [T. H. Breen, A tea party for all. How scholarly failures helped the subversion of history. TLS 11 February 2011, p. 11]

"Noting the eye-rolling antipathy that this latter mode of discourse invariably brings, the author claims: 'I am on the side of the children'." [T. Lichtig, Right to left. Review of Z. Zinik, History thieves. TLS, May 20, 2011, p. 30.]

§ 396 | Une taviette lèse
§ 397 | Lazy geese
§ 398 | Arathu Sea
§ 399 | Anim û Kali
§ 400 | Manna
§ 401 | Zend
"Ces tribus n'étaient qu'un démembrement de la grande émigration que le Zend Avesta ramène jusque vers le Bolor." "Au reste, la grande race à laquelle il appartient lui-même, n'est pas originaire d'Europe. Elle est partie bien probablement des massifs du Bolor et de l'Hindou-Koh, où les Mamogis représentent encore la souche originelle. En tout cas, le Zend-Avesta nous apprend qu'elle est sortie d'une région où l'été ne durait que deux mois, ce qui correspond à peu près au climat de la Finlande. D'étapes en étapes, elle est arrivée, d'un côté jusqu'à l'extrémité de la presqu'île gangétique et à Ceylan, de l'autre jusqu'en Islande et au Groenland. Puis, l'ère des grandes découvertes venue, elle a semé ses colonies dans l'univers entier, peuplant des continents, remplaçant des races indigènes." [A. de Quatrefages, L'espèce humaine. Paris: Germer Baillière et Cie. 1877]
§ 402 | Por
§ 403 | Sautez
§ 404 | SNE Dynagon Pod
The yazdehan structure of the SNE-Dynagon Pod (SDP) is brought about by a lexicospatial or spatiolexical transformation, called a Yaglom transform after the Intrussyan translexical duo, A. M. and I. M. Yaglom, by which any aerolexical structure, or lexigon, can be translexicalized into a Sophie Germain lexigon, that is, an aerolexical structure having p faces, where p is a Sophie Germain prime; the specific Yaglom transform applied in this instance being the ever popular dodecalexigon–undecalexigon shift, resulting in, once the senimalistic dynamics of sinemota, ideorhesaleotia, and rime argile have been applied, the SNE-Dynagon Pod.
§ 405 | Ovid personality
§ 406 | Payment
§ 407 | Olnziiankta R
Sihlaucal (Coast Fukari) word meaning ‘river-mouth big town’ [ol, mouth (non-human); nzi, river; iata, town, village; -nk-, big (infix)].
§ 408 | Rime argile
§ 409 | K
§ 410 | AG
[Anatilo Glemep]
§ 411 | Puny blond slave
(After the death of Babur Rao in fall or winter of 2006, Swopes flees to Agua Prieta, returning home to his or her native barrio of Tixpu, and hooks up with Ronish, a puny blond slave and sibling of Clonish Niechala [this latter is known as the “Aryan ikon” of the indigenous New Lexican industry of imagistic bodyworks or hapticinema].)
§ 412 | Sagradu
“Another Gradus, an Alsatian merchant, who oddly enough was totally unrelated to our killer but had been a close business friend of his kinsmen for years, adopted the boy and raised him with his own children.” (Nabokov, Pale Fire, note to lines 17 and 29.)

“Or perish must / Alike great temples and Tanagra dust?” (Nabokov, Pale Fire, note to line 596) [--> tan a gradus]

sag Radu [Ronish for "said Radu"]

§ 413 | Aryan ikon
"A elle seule la race aryane nous enseigne pour ainsi dire l'histoire de l'espèce entière. Nous la voyons sortir du Bolor et de l'Hindou-Koh, de cet Eeriéné Véedjo où l'été ne durait que deux mois, descendre en Boukharie, parcourir la Perse et le Caboul avant d'arriver dans le bassin de l'Indus. Onze stations jalonnent cette route franchie par les Aryas avant d'arriver au Gange. Là nous les retrouvons marchant pas à pas, tout en lançant en avant-garde quelques-uns de ces héros pieux qui tuaient les rakchassas et préparaient les conquêtes. Aujourd'hui la race est sous les tropiques dans l'Inde, sous le cercle polaire au Groenland, où les Norwégiens et les Danois modernes ont remplacé les rois de la mer; elle couvre une immense région à climat plus ou moins tempéré; elle a des colonies partout. ¶ L'espèce humaine à ses débuts a dû procéder comme les Aryas. Au sortir de leur centre de création, c'est lentement et d'étapes en étapes que les colons primitifs, ancêtres de toutes les races actuelles, ont marché à la conquête du monde désert. Par là ils se faisaient peu à peu aux conditions d'existence diverses que leur imposait le nord ou le midi, l'est ou l'ouest, le froid ou la chaleur, la plaine ou la montagne. Divergeant en tout sens et rencontrant des milieux différents, ils se mettaient graduellement en harmonie avec chacun d'eux. L'acclimatation, marchant ainsi du même pas que les conquêtes géographiques, était moins meurtrière. Certes, pour être adoucie par la lenteur de la marche, la lutte n'en existait pas moins. A coup sûr de nombreux pionniers sont tombés en route. Mais les survivants n'avaient en face d'eux que la nature et ils ont pu aller jusqu'au bout ; ils ont peuplé le monde." [A. de Quatrefages, L'espèce humaine. Paris: Germer Baillière et Cie. 1877; p. 177]

The Aryan Ikon is one of the major dailies of South Us (Nirusa), to which Miano Driec occasionally contributes articles (of which, his feuilleton, Fast Curse Hate?).

§ 414 | Auk
§ 415 | As awake as
§ 416 | Moanzy aerie
§ 417 | Slake prying eyes
§ 418 | Kafkaist
§ 419 | A slangy liar
§ 420 | Ate
§ 421 | Waif to flag aunt
§ 422 | Urcner
§ 423 | AR
Arathu River. Possibly Arnaut Raymond.
§ 424 | K
§ 425 | Miano Driec
The “agents, solicitors, and publishers in law and literature” of the author of A Dictionary of Okiao, The Minty Esplanades of Mandalay, A Ride to the Land of Manioc, Death in Minorca, Demonic Rain, and so on, have aimed a Corinthian placitum ad deliberandum et recipiendum at my timid corneas, calling my corpus lexicus a “criminal ode to plagiary” composed by a “manic pirate” that infringes, in both form and content, the “ethical copyright domain” of the foremost exemplar of their client’s work. Furthermore, rectification of their client’s “pecuniary and ecumenical interests [...] would entail,” not only that my “vulgar venal imposture be banned according to the writ” of the threadbare Test and Name Act (praemunire volte facias ut ceder et desistare et caetera), but that they “raid any income and cardinal monies” my “minor travesty [and] species of personative murl [oh, spare us the quaint Hebrideanisms!] may accrue” throughout the Tetrastics “and beyond.” Let me first of all dispense with their gripes anent form. If taken to the pinnacle of scholastic impertinence to which the parsimonious impedimentum of seignoralty, prerogative, franchise, warrant, tenancy, and so on aspires, there would be only one dictionary in the world, only one novel, only one sonnet, only one play, only one book, only one, in fact, word, for the use of which T minus one of the total world population (T) would have to pay royalties to the sole holder of copyright, whom MD’s Anglo-Nornic asps would have their client be. Now for content. MD’s tribune of tubs claims, for instance, that § 1) my entry toxophile “peculates themata without acknowledgement” from their client’s entry on gōng-ao (lit. ‘ao bow’), a sort of topographical metric based on the median distance attained by an arrow to which a thread of coir is tied and which is shot by a trained toxophile aiming at the village maidan through the loop of a particular cornice on the gate of the medina when the sun is at its highest meridian at the summer solstice such that the arc formed by arrow, thread, and flight be readily mapped if not discerned by a child appointed for that very task. Likewise, they see the equation between § 2) my entry that eases into equine aetiology, and MD’s that discusses the origins of the Ao-mă (lit. ‘people [of the] horse’), as “far too microscopically entwined, intercalated, and endotessellated to give room for” their client to “even moot the idea of mere coincidence thereof” [sic]. Item § 3) is a double-teamed tangle of speciosity, cracking in midair the alae of two of my plump healthy odic airmen with one of MD’s acrimonious submarine missiles: an entry Appalachified in MD’s “Okiao” as ‘old chum’ (ǎo-mìyǒu) stabs its furcate peridinian crome into the ‘damp chum’ of my entry Duchamp, M. and simultaneously wiggles its anodic meristem of couleur locale complete with sticky-bun-fuelled pleonastic Kaffeeklätschen breeding the conidial spume of salivary posts into my Gals Saliba! They or she or he or it (for I do not rule out a machine-generated form letter) go even further with item § 4), indiscriminately trouncing my tan, my topchan, my Tagna, my Tawrim even, with a graceless micaceous boulder ponderously crane-winched from MD’s cairn of logorhetic domination: ‘sweet’ (tián-ao). Their fifth through some quibblingly extravaganth items (§ 5–§ x-n) demonstrate an unquiet frenzy of proctor’s bile until they eventually rest their coda in the most inane imputation of all: my “attribution” of See Law’s and Lee See’s paternity to Eric D. Min-ao is not only, in their words, “factitious,” but “provocatively slanderous in re” their client, MD. Any of U Readers who have availed yourselves of not leaving my SNE unread will readily admit — as would MD and his cabal of cursitors if he and they bothered to follow lexical, rather than file legal, suit — that all of the above accusations are absurd and not deserving of comment. I therefore limit my rejoinder to a pentad of more or less comprehensive, that is, overarching, statements: Primo: Stop your cowardly maundering, Miano Driec! Stop hiding behind the risible minari and conid recedeatism of the litigious mice you ordained to deliver your summons! No dimicare in modica re! The gnomic tirade of that definitively premenstrual madame’s (for I suspect the plural insinuation of the letterhead is a sham — Trevi, Pulsar, Nemo & Assn., Ltd. indeed!) claim would be laughably ironic if it were not made pitifully and madly oneiric by the sheer incommensurability between the very “iconic dreaminess” of my “nacreous trance idiom” (as a much less acrid encomium has called my Words) and the prosaic bilge “jotted” by — your minion’s threats, unfortunately, force the ad hominem riposte — you. Segundo: In rima cedo! There is no crime, no shame in owning up to one’s sinemota; in fact, with neither the one nor the other, there would be no senimality at all. Yet you, my dear MD, despite your envy, are not yet one of them or us — so why not come right out and grapple with me de cominari like a real live huffing and puffing man, idem in caro amice nidor? Then you might have something truly pungent, warm, pulsating, livid, and juicy to solicit me for, not just the anemic spectres of invidious coincidence you currently husband in belabored acts of aneroid rut! Nam dico rei id me conari. Animi credo. Id mori cena ac inde miro, ac edi minor. In nec maior incido in mare arathusea. Edi in coram in emi cardo. Rather than debase with rival contention the literary icons we have each independently charted, let us coadmire in the far dicier mano a mano of amiable haptic sudation, our mutual monads of words! Tercio: My SNE-dynagon pods in the form of airy arrowscript portraits record the demonic airs and demic norias and rime argile coined in statu pupillari and trawled up from the diamantine core of the cosmopolitan cameos my situation of narrative exile wrangles me and Moéu Noäu Nin (la maorie fille romaine du Cid catalane même!) and Lee See and See Law and M. S. Litarn’s Nordic amie Atoca Inhart et al. into, while your bucolic anecdotes in the form of a sham lexicon of an obscure Naga language endemic to an isolated morainic department of Upper Engush puts words into the mouths of laconic gossoons more prone to dire anomia than animate eloquence. In addition, I find that an erosive or even corrosive didacticism attaches to what you or your Goidelopictic praetorians bent on literary replevin call “the venerable, even preliterate, form” of your work [and this Ltd. claims to be one of law?!], coating all too many of your term–definition dyads with the rancid canid moiré of dense homespun homily. Mine, however, are light breathy flirtatious fantasies. Moi, je danse, je ris, je rode mes minces outils schizomythiques. Toi, tu rinces, tu cris, tu craches the racemoid precipitate of the decrepit lees dredged from your ancient bottle’s butt. Some of your situations, I admit, coalesce into a nice diorama or two; but a live new world they neither insufflate nor inspire. Quattro: It was through no choice or “attribut[ion]” of my own that a pair of lovely young houris of Glamporium whom I have encountered in my nomadic revels share a father named Eric D. Min-ao who, being a native of, rather than an immigrant to, the region inhabited by the Ao people, speaks Okiao with a far innater fluency than the ersatz cartographer of that people’s, that tongue’s emic and etic inroads and byways. Fifthly: If, owing to any deficiencies of imagination on your part, you are unable to chalk it up to mere coincidence, just add it to my CAR. As a reminder, Ciao!
§ 426 | Ceder
Say “day” in Flouzianian. Jour. Say “dare” in New Lexican. Osar. Retar. Atreverse. Desafiar. Desafío. [The CD’s of literature (eg. Nabokov’s Charlotte and Dolores (Lolita), his so-called Claude Deprès who morphs into, on the one hand, Colette (Speak, Memory), and, on the other, Cordula de Prey (Ada or Ardor), all borrowed, of course, from Charlotte Dufrène, the paravent of R. Roussel; the Cratti D’Aruntles and reality caught dozing in the CAR of this SNE).] Charles Darwin.
§ 427 | Knead and knuckle
§ 428 | Emir
"Here it must be mentioned that from the various gay cloths and other things provided for barter by the captain of the Parki, I had very strikingly improved my costume, making it free, flowing, and eastern. I looked like an Emir." [Melville, Mardi, v. 1, p. 116]
§ 429 | Daso
§ 430 | Eemian
§ 431 | ATP
Associate in Textual Promiscuity. Anticipatory Textual Plagiary.
§ 432 | Noed
§ 433 | Amiss
"...an order 'which only indicated straightaway that there was something amiss'." [T. Lichtig, A game of soldiers. Review of: S. Yizhar, Khirbet khizeh. TLS, March 11, 2011, p. 21]
§ 434 | B. Rao pense
Babur Rao thinks that so-called quantum nonlocality, what Einstein called "spooky action at a distance" is no more spooky than gravity, which, as we know, is action at a distance. B. Rao also thinks that it is a mistake to analyze gravity as being the result of mass forces acting between bodies, or particles dubbed gravitons, or the warped structure of spacetime, or those portions of the Rexni zeoid outside our own zeon [or the Rexni aura of the zeoid of which the visible univers, or zeon, forms but a part]. Gravity, rather, is the large-scale evidence that all bodies are one. Just as individual organisms are individuals only in the sense that water forms droplets, so too are stars, planets, asteroids, etc. The universe is one body, or one cell, if you will, with the stuff in it being its organelles and constituent moelcules. Gravitational nonlocality is some nth-derivative of the original impetus of the universe, call it the big bang, if you will, and quantum nonlocality is some nth-derivative of the derivative that is gravity. “The second property, known as nonlocality, is even stranger. It says that if, for example, two particles can be entangled—twinned together in the lab in such a way that when measured their properties correlate—then they will remain entangled even if vast distances separate them at the time of measurement. Because superposition dictates that properties don’t take a fixed value until measured, one particle of the pair must somehow “know” the result of its twin’s measurement.” “Nonlocality famously galled Einstein, who derided the idea that two particles could inexplicably and instantaneously coordinate their properties as ‘spooky action at a distance.’ In 1935, along with Boris Podolsky and Nathan Rosen, Einstein described a thought experiment that sought to show that nonlocality was absurd and quantum mechanics could never provide the final word on how the world works. Instead, he argued, the behavior of entangled particles could be explained far less mysteriously if they were preprogrammed by a set of unseen blueprints—or ‘hidden variables.’” “But he adds that it remains possible that hidden variables produced before the experiment began—perhaps even reaching as far back as the big bang—are predetermining all our actions.” [Zeeya Merali, Quantum Mechanics Braces for the Ultimate Test. Science 18 March 2011: Vol. 331 no. 6023 pp. 1380–1382.]

m = E/c2 and g = 1/d2 : the intimate connections among light, gravity, energy, and space could not be more clearly put : they are all aspects of each other, all "derivatives" of the origin of the universe ; the speed of light is a constraint or limit or measure of the rate of the expansion of the universe, and is intimately connected with distance.

B. Rao pense que tout texte a quatre auteurs: l'écrivain, le lecteur, le langage, et le réel. [A. Danchev, Bearers of bad news. TLS, March 11, 2011, p. 10]

§ 435 | BM
Aside from the specialist literature (which, for all I know, may be quite vast), works in which that need linking the all too often anthropocentric focus to the common, wormlike ancestor of all chordates, may be counted by small fistfuls. [Disgust of eating, due to impossibility of forgetting where the ingurgitated matter will end up. Disgust at the obese, due to imagining the huge volume of their aft expulsions. The toilet sur le palier of 11, rue Poulet (where, possibly, Swopes encountered Moéu for the first time (but the former kept his or head low, from shame). | After barricading him or herself in the upper section, and then retreating back down (?), he or she did his or her business out the back window, splattering the courtyard (?). Etc.] | [The BM in literature: J. Joyce, Ulysses: “Midway, his last resistance yielding, he allowed his bowels to ease themselves quietly as he read, reading still patiently that slight constipation of yesterday quite gone. Hope it’s not too big bring on piles again. No, just right. [...] He read on, seated calm above his own rising smell. [...] He glanced back through what he had read and, while feeling his water flow quietly, he envied kindly Mr Beaufoy who had written it and received payment of three pounds, thirteen and six. [...] He tore away half the prize story sharply and wiped himself with it. Then he girded up his trousers, braced and buttoned himself. He pulled back the jerky shaky door of the jakes and came forth from the gloom into the air.” V. Nabokov, Ada; Lolita; other?]
§ 436 | PE
Parasitic equilibrium (see JSocPhys 00711). Political economy.
§ 437 | Sort of murder
§ 438 | F
“For [F] to support a proposition of Noruda Tibreteps’s was sufficiently rare to tip the scale.” (A. Powell, Books do furnish a room, ch. 2, p. 86)
§ 439 | ER
In checking over the erstwhile proofs of my Words (First Pod, § 12, Sorea Est), with the intent of enacting their redaction in the Electronic Rhapsody (ER), I noticed that I had inserted a supernumerary “er” into the words connoting my intro and exit in re l’Auberge de Jeunesse où j’avais passé ma première nuit parisienne. However, I have decided not to retract out the equivocation (de ne pas raturer l’erreur), as I feel it conveys the evanescent reality of the situation I found myself in. Épopée Romantique. Nietzsche’s Eternal Return.
[ A not-for-profit instantiation of human imagination and human labor ]
Copyright © 2011 Michael Sean Strickland