Editions MSS
Editions MSS
Words to Make a Story Out of

Formations parasitaires qui prolifèrent dans tout ce que j’écris

aabandh, ābandh (आबन्ध्) bind | 40

Abenaseli, also known as Île Sanéba, smaller of the Far Gimmals (q.v.).

Acanthaeschna wairebaa, the acanthic darner of coastal Tetrastica | 62

Acat, stern god of scarification | 132

Acer pseudoplatanus, sycamore maple | 95

Acleisanthes crassifolia, Texican trumpet, a cleistogamous nyctaginaceaid | 70

Adam, Paul, connaisseur de chair molle sur la glèbe | 124

AE, antiphenomenal entelechies; apparent errata in the holograph of Hari, coquilles in the typescript of Shakti; actual experience, artistic (or aesthetic) expression thereof, particularly during those preternaturally warm autumn evenings the Bois de Boulogne is famous for | 29, 116, 122, 130, 132, 136

Aeaea, Circe’s (q.v.) lush toroid isle | 40, 111, 122

ἀεικία (aeikía) outrage, injury | 55

Aerides, genus of fox brush or cat’s-tail orchids | 50

Agacinski, Veronika, penseuse de sexe vigoureux; works consulted include Nagements, Rapt ex muliercula, etc. | 72, 91, 107

ἀγαθοποιός (agathopoiós) auspicious | 139

Ἀγδίστις (Agdistis) theomorphic freemartin of the ancient world; also, if italics should supervene all caps, a genus of pterophorid moth (Hübner, 1825) | 82

agrypnophane, l’éveillée vie quotidienne, la vida despierta; see also Oneirophane and Realia | 62, 103, 121, 122, 133

Agua Prieta, New Lexica’s Capital City (CC) and our author’s (q.v.) Ville Natale (VN); its gaita tixputana; its Dermestes Press; its IPSI (q.v.); its Portos Novo y Vecho; its Barrios Ilena y Tixpu; its Playas den Missten (q.v.) y Toya; its Tiliar Boarding School (TBS), a select boarding institution (SBI) located in the latter of the aforesaid barrios of AG; its circumambient Tiros Mountains wherein the happy traveler is wont to encounter menstrual pilgrims proceeding towards the celebrated shrine of Eros Emetikos atop Le Trou Noir; its Tixputo Lexiphore, a bi-weekly; etc. | 4, 10, 12, 15, 26, 27, 29, 33, 41, 42, 49, 88, 90, 91, 93, 94, 102, 103, 109, 112, 121, 131

ahaṃkāra (अहंकार) self-consciousness | 97

aharṣamaya (अहर्षमय) joyless | 117

αἰγιᾰλός (aegialos, aigialos) seashore | 29

Ailanthus, genus of foul-smelling trees and bushes | 116

αἰνικτός (ainiktós) enigmatic, under-(her)-breath | 73

Aire, Mr. Gil — see Mutualité des Mesures Éditrices.

Ajar & Daub, pseudonymous co-authors of L’Ornithologique de sperme (q.v.); see also Be(com)ing: The Resonance of Character (q.v.) | 130

aka no kami-sekkei, sama no ehō (赤の上夕景, 狭間の恵方) lit. ‘red start to the setting sunlight, arrow-slit’s blessing’; i.e. red sky at night, sailor’s delight; also, akarui sōpi no sama (明るい相陽の狭間) rosy bright arrow-slit| 139, 140

ἀκένωτος (akénōtos) inexhaustible | 104

akṣara (अक्षर) imperishable beatitude of words | 69

Alces alces L., the ecumenical melak, cosmopolitan orignal, universal moose | 67

Alcithoe colesae, volutid sea snail | 132

ᾰ̓λέοιο (aléoio) grinding, bruising, pounding | 90

Aléothia, Dr. Iésoé, also cited in the literature as Aloéthia, Alœthia, etc.; experimental alienist currently in residence at the Appalachian Mental Institution in Shatsbrook (q.v.), socraticist of Norlian extraction (SNE) from Gerdoransvidal (q.v.); formerly resident in, at, and of Steen’s Harem (q.v.) where he was known by and to his matriculants as Dr. Jehoshaphat ibn-Alessi | 43, 45, 51, 90, 100, 107, 120, 123, 131, 141

Alinor, catoptromantic oneireidolon of Norlia (q.v., last name unknown), a fellow inmate of Steen’s Harem (q.v.) of whom the author (q.v.) seems at times to be quite nostalgic, possibly because she too is one of Trober’s Nine Dampest Lays (q.v.); her “Quand la révolution s’éclipse: Marxist kleptocracies from Kerensky to Trotsky” is not to be missed | 35, 53, 62, 86, 132, 137

ālipta (आलिप्त) anointed | 67

amagutsu (雨靴) rubber rain boots | 137

ame (雨) brishind, imber, rain | 112, 137

AMI en M, l’, the Appalachian Mental Institution in Mastersheen (q.v.) | 16, 27, 32, 42

AMI in S, the Appalachian Mental Institution in Shatsbrook (q.v.) | 9, 22, 90

ἀμνειοστῐκός (amneiostikos) sacrally agnestic, amnestically sacral | 130

Amnestia, Hamilcar “Shree”, omnontological author of Experiments with Truth | 104

amṛta (अमृत) ambrosia | 8, 110

Anacyclus pyrethrum, akaragāram (அக்கரகாரம்) | 55

ānandamaya kośa (आनन्दमय कोश) sheath of pleasure | 110

anantakara (अनन्तकर) rendering endless, magnifying indefinitely | 99

anantamāyin (अनन्तमायिन्) endlessly deceitful, infinitely creative | 99

Androptis spectralis Welw., 1834, the spectral sesame tree | 112

Aneides aeneus, the green salamander | 104

aṅga (अङ्ग) limb | 112

annamaya kośa (अन्नमय कोश) sheath of nourishment | 110

Anglarès, Médoire, chercheur armoricain, decalcomaniacal bestialist, author of, inter alia, Les lamantins de la mer Médoise (Le Mans, Éditions du Pays de la Loire, 1973) and Traité des maladies écrivassières (ditto, 1987) | 2, 5, 13, 24, 26, 89, 137

Angliche, Nouveau Lexique de l’, anonymous textual delectus printed, sine diem, in Bruges by la Maison Belge des Idiomes de la Cordillère Tétrastique | 1

Animalculus didelphimorphicus necatus fulgure L., lightning-struck little opossum | 144

anokālavidvas (अनोकालविद्वस्) messer-upper of calendars; anti-kairoturg | 141

Antheraea paphia, wild silk moth | 12

anṛtamaya (अनृतमय) false | 117

anubhavārūḍha (अनुभवारूढ) experimental | 125

AO, antic ontology, antilogous obligation, antinomie ontique, apparitional obfuscation, apparitional ontology, and others | 105, 106, 134, 136, passim.

aoba (青葉) fresh leaves | 105

aoi (青い) blue; young; blue-green | 105, 107

ἀοιδός (aoidós) aède; singer, minstrel, bard, enchanter | 16

aokuchiba (青朽葉) pale fallen leaves | 105

aoni (青丹) blue black crayfish | 105

aonibi (青鈍) dull blue | 105

aoshirotsurubami (青白橡) pale oak | 105

aotake-iro (青竹色) green bamboo color | 105

aoume (青梅) unripe plum | 105

aozora (青空) blue sky | 105

aozumi (青墨) green-blue ink | 105

Apis spp., honeybees | 2

apsaras (अप्सरस्) nymph | 2, 13, 20, 53, 63, 70

apsgandha (अप्स्गन्ध) charming, secret, fragrant, fluid-releasing | 127

arawa (露) dewily naked; also Arawa, South Texican tribal people and language | 127

Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, bearberry | 55

ārghā (आर्घा) sp. of yellow bee | 131

Argyros aeinauta, the aquatic Anansi spider | 63

Arilus cristatus, wheel bug, a reduviid | 104

Arinami, Nobe, schizomythological socialite of Owlstain and Lutèce | 85, 116

Arixeniidae, family of parasitic earwigs including the viviparous species Arixenia esau | 73, 123

Arjuna (अर्जुन), androgynous trickster, cognate with Odysseus (q.v.) and Tlaatlata (q.v.); see also da Vinci’s painting of A in the Louvre | 3, 90, 106

arthanopasarpa (अर्थनोपसर्प) beseeching sexual approach | 97

artharasakaṣāya (अर्थरसकषाय) bitters | 137

Arum upopsii, the hoopoe’s arum lily | 108

asakase [asakaze] (朝風) morning breeze | 132

āsanapūrva (आसनपूर्व) first position, prima bolgia | 112

Asclepias curassavica, scarlet milkweed | 55

Aseli, also known as Île Sa, larger of the Far Gimmals (q.v.).

asile aoriste, théorie d’; theory of aorist asylum | 27, 35, 46, 51, 88, 90, 100, 132

asile hétairotopien, notre commode | 120

asile sociophysiologique, théorie d’ | 100

asile solitaire [ou: solidaire? — NDLR], théorie d’ | 88

Asio dorupes L., the golden-eared rock owl | 18

asmṛti [usmriti] (अस्मृति) forgetful, forgetting, amnesic, amnesia, amnestic, unloved, and loveless | 42

asobaseijiri (遊ばせ弄り) pleasurable fondling | 141

Assexterbildtzijl, Serge (“Mr. Asséx”), sous-chef at Steen’s Harem (q.v.) | 86

Astikoff, Herr Tarakakanam ter (“Mr. Astik”), cosmognosticist at Steen’s Harem (q.v.) | 86

Astrocaryum vulgare, wara-wara, cumare, chontilla | 55

Asura oxywhoresinne, sneaky bitch moth, an erebid | 104

ātmāpahāra (आत्मापहार) self-concealing | 131

átlátánk, everclear | 117

Atropos eolios Baed. (Haeck. (Maet.)), the dawn jumping pit viper | 4, 72, 109

Atta sp., leaf-cutter ants | 97

Attalea sp., Neo-tropical palm | 108

aupariṣṭaka (औपरिष्टक) eightfold praxis of rostrocaudal synapsis (irrumatio), viz., nimitaṃ (निमितं, erigere fascinationis), pārśvato daṣṭaṃ (पार्श्वतो दष्टं, mordere partium), bāhiḥ saṃdaṃśo (बाहिः संदंशो, compressio externa), antaḥ saṃdaṃśaś (अन्तः संदंशश्, compressio interna), ćumbitakaṃ (चुम्बितकं, osculatio), parimṛṣṭakam (परिमृष्टकम्, mulcere cum lingua), āmra ćūṣitakaṃ (आम्र चूषितकं, sugere frugem), and saṃgara (संगर, consumere) | 95

Aurevilly, Barbey d’, nom de plume of Jules-Oscar Amédée de Wilbeck (q.v.), Anglo-Gallic author of books composed alternately in English and French, with occasional forays into the Welsh, translations by author; works include The Strange Case of Dr. Johnson and Mr. Dorian Gray; Ce qui ne meurt pas; Sebastian Melmoth’s Final Trick; Valhalla, ou La Wallonie rénovée; The Author of Ysbaddaden Bencawr; Les Diaboliques; Codename Dolores; und so weiter | 87

Auslassungen, Maîtresse der petzlicher, see Realia.

Author, Our — see OA.

“Aux êtres d’entractes, scènes nées de Mars, ou Poème texane,” sonnet composed by our author (q.v.) and said to have been published in the Owlstain SCAT (q.v.) yet as of this writing OA (q.v.) has still not received from said weekly’s ME (q.v.) proof of same in the form of 15 free copies epistolarily promised by ME (q.v.) of the numéro at stake of said SCAT (q.v.) which OA (q.v.) is very eager to receive owing to the unavoidable loss of the fiches, cahiers, marginalia, etc., containing notes for and drafts of AEd’ESNdMoPT, said loss having occurred either during the flight from the Far Gimmals (q.v.) to Owlstain, or from Owlstain to Lutèce where recently (as of this writing) OA (q.v.) has discovered in the pages of The Meaner Side (q.v.) a plagiary of AEd’ESNdMoPT by some despicable plagiarist “writing” under the nom de plume of M. S. Ernaux (q.v.) | 70, 98

Aviraga, Grace, Vice-Versa’s own raging moon-eyed dragomaneatrix | 102

ažavačga, erinaceous bramble (Rubus sp.) | 97

bahumāya (बहुमाय) deceitful | 117

Bailey, P. M., Appalachian vaudevillian | 4

baišunyado (売春宿) brothel; bordel; lupanar | 90

Balaena tetrasticus, Arathu Sea right whale | 55

Balthus, mononymous portrayer of adorable (pre-)pubescent primates in various states of dreamy déshabille | 131

balyakalasakhi (ബാല്യകാലസഖി) childhood friend | 100

Banaras — see Benares.

bandha (बन्ध) intercourse, union, combination, tying together, ensemble | 127

banitsa (баница) Odrysian pastry | 137

Banville, J.-T. de, Hiberno-Lutetical mnésoclast; his Sea, his Time Out of Joint | 35

Barsombarsam, Mme. Rosa — see Mutualité des Mesures Éditrices.

Barthes, Roland, sémioclaste | 110

Bartholomew, Master of St., anonymous painter of Por debajo del Sayón Tribunal, which may be seen in the Louvre | 90

Bartholomew-de-Porphyrie, Square St.-, also known as Square Saint-Bartholomew or just St.-Bart’s (pronounced as one would say ‘sandbar’ à la française) — a place in Paris | 75, 90, 100

Baudelaire, Charles-Harold “Childe” — see Harold “Childe” Rimbaud.

Bauer-Weir, Thalia, Sihlauco-Intrussyan mycologist | 70, 133

Bayle, P., frilly byways of his Dictionnaire historique et critique | 2

BDT, bi-dialectic(al) therapy | 142

Beardsley, Aubrey, urolagnic author of Under the Hill, or The story of Venus and Tannhäuser, in which is set forth an exact account of the manner of state held by Madam Venus, Goddess & Meretrix, under the famous Horselberg, and containing the adventures of Tannhäuser in that place, his journeying to Rome, and return to the Loving Mountain, by Aubrey Beardsley, now completed by John Glassco (Paris, Olympia Press, 1959); that work’s Felix, an effluviophile, is mentioned | 109

Be(com)ing: The Resonance of Character, by Kiko Devi (q.v.) and Gennifleur Schlame (q.v.), is “a foray into the heterolexical interstices of senimalistic rhapsody” put out simultaneously in Translexicalia II (Année 1º) (q.v.) and as a bound offprint by Editions MSS (Owlstain and Paris) the same year and is the first published account to reveal that the pseudonymous co-authors, Ajar & Daub (q.v.), of L’Ornithologique de sperme (Paris, Éditions du Carrefour, 1893), were none other than Alfred Jarry (q.v.) and Karl Daubigny (q.v.), respectively | 130

beetitee (பேதிதை); bhedita (भेदित) broken, cleft, split; see also bēṭi (பேடி) hermaphrodite | 110

béléga [belega] (белега) sign(s), symptom(s), langes bourrés | 20, 24, 92

Bellerophon, tamer of Pegasus, slayer of Chimera | 128

Benares, City of Light, la Lutèce de l’Inde | 63, 95, 125, 137, 140

Bénatrou, Maisel, aka Maisel ibn-Šarj (q.v.), écrivain numidio-romain dont les plagiats, soit intentionnels, soit involontaires, dudit op. cit. sont clitalysés | 8, 15, 65, 89, 90, 100, 127, 136

Benengeli de Cervantes, Cide Hamete, historical novelist most renowned for his Don Quixote, the climactic scene of which occurs when the eponymous hero confronts the fake eponymous hero of a spurious version of the same novel plagiarized by the fraudulent author Alonso Fernandez de Avellaneda who was actually the real author of the real DQ, i.e., CHBdC, himself, and thus the real author of the spurious version also; see, in this regard, Valerïy Nabokova’s (q.v.) pertinent remark, “How splendid it would have been if instead of that hasty and vague last encounter with the disguised Carrasco, who tumbles our knight in a jiffy, the real Don Quixote had fought his crucial battle with the false Don Quixote!” (op. cit., p. 81) | 63, 71, 119

Benissim, Osmane-Sibilla, dite Sibil, Hiberno-Maghrebi ambisexual Fauvériste and favorite odalisque of Matisse (q.v.) | 129

Benjamin, Waleria, transdisciplinary inmate of the bilingual, bi-local, bi-pretty-much-everything Institut pour la Recherche Socio-Sexuelle/Institut für die Sozialgeschlechtsforschung (Institute for Socio-Sexual Research, a precursor of ISOCPHYS [q.v.]) in Berlin and Paris | 134

Berg, Lev, founder of the Analyrical Theatre (Aналирический Театр, Théâtre Analyrique), St. Petersburg, Berlin, Paris; author of the “instinct-plays” (инстинктивные представления, Instinktspieler) produced therein | 142, 143

Bergson, H., “Mais toute la difficulté vient de ce que nous voulons traduire la science de l’Hyménoptère en termes d’intelligence. Force nous est alors d’assimiler le Sphex à l’entomologiste, qui connaît la Chenille comme il connaît tout le reste des choses, c’est-à-dire du dehors, sans avoir, de ce côté, un intérêt spécial et vital. Le Sphex aurait donc à apprendre une à une, comme l’entomologiste, les positions des centres nerveux de la Chenille, — à acquérir au moins la connaissance pratique de ces positions en expérimentant les effets de sa piqûre. Mais il n’en serait plus de même si l’on supposait entre le Sphex et sa victime une sympathie (au sens étymologique du mot) qui le renseignât du dedans, pour ainsi dire, sur la vulnérabilité de la Chenille. Ce sentiment de vulnérabilité pourrait ne rien devoir à la perception extérieure, et résulter de la seule mise en présence du Sphex et de la Chenille, considérés non plus comme deux organismes, mais comme deux activités. Il exprimerait sous une forme concrète le rapport de l’un à l’autre. Certes, une théorie scientifique ne peut faire appel à des considérations de ce genre. Elle ne doit pas mettre l’action avant l’organisation, la sympathie avant la perception et la connaissance. Mais, encore une fois, ou la philosophie n’a rien à voir ici, ou son rôle commence là où celui de la science finit” (L’Évolution créatrice, Paris, Alcan, 1909, pp. 188–189); see also the relevant passages sur la douleur in Matière et mémoire (Paris, 1939) | 18, 41

Beria-Birr, Horst X., Texico-Intrussyan goon | 112

Berta, tendron villonien whom Dame Reality (q.v.) has ostensibly cobbled together from Hebe y Láquesis by Robert Trober (q.v.), “The Holy Wound” by Marten Hesse (q.v.), La Berma by Bergotte, and a quondam inmate of Steen’s Harem (q.v.) | 22, 32, 89, 90, 93, 107, 124, 131

besčuvstvennïy (бесчувственный) insensate | 83

besstïdstvo (бесстыдство) impudence | 118

Beteta, Espabilio, Beulahan anthophile | 110

Betty — see Catamena.

Beulah, former refuge of the Beulah Bay Dugong (q.v.) and once-vibrant capital of Autonomous North Texas (ANT), now a nightmarish ochlocracy of Texican Photinianists, Mexisi Monogamists, and Nestorian Uniastrianists | 86, 95, 97, 98, 102, 130, 131

bhagabhadrāsana (भगभद्रासन) die In-Labiīs-Emsigkeit der fröhlichen Stellung | 127

bhoga (भोग) enjoyment, pleasure, exultation | 109, 127

bhojyacyūtragnettṛ śareṣṭasya (भोज्यच्यूत्रग्नेत्तृ शरेष्टस्य) das gottgeweihte Wegeingangsein des Pfeiles Kāmadevas (Kāma’s arrow, śareṣṭasya, euphemism for ‘long penetrant clitoris’) | 127

bhoktṛ (भोक्तृ) enjoyer, experiencer, taster of the fruits | 109, 130, 131

bhūlokan (from भूलोक bhūloka, the terrestrial world) sublunary | 131

bimitaeko (美実妙子) exquisitely capable beautiful young geisha | 110

Bimkov, Dr. Avílano, aka Nilávano B., and often, in his wards’ spelling, Avilão Binkuph; headmaster of TBS (q.v.) | 49, 55, 90, 131, 137, 141, 142

binchōtan (備長炭) white charcoal | 76

blagorazumnïy (благоразумный) judicious, wise, raisonnable | 143

Blas de Roblès, J.-M., author of L’Île du Point Némo, Paris, Zulma, 2014, from which a quote | 6

Blavy, Styffclent, sociogeographist, his Justice, nature, and the sociogeography of la différance is quoted | 138

Blixen, Tania, metecal Africanist | 134

Bloip, Inuhka, Mountain Fukari catin à musette de Paris originally from Iagip (q.v.), currently a floramori(s)ta in Owlstain | 93, 94, 95, 125

Bois-à-Runrún Lane, a street in Passy | 64

Bolaño-Kid, Mrs. Mirva V., critical literalist lately of Eurasia, currently of Tetrastica | 93

Bombus spp., bumblebees | 2

Bonaparte, Marie, schizomythological altarianist, altarian sociophysiologist, her “De l’essentielle ambivalence d’Eros” is essential reading for the budding ditto | 118

Borch, Gerard ter, Dutch painter | 22, 131

Borman, Norma B., editrix of the Texian Revista of Elevenses (TRE), habituée of the Dirna Route Café (q.v.) | 72, 73

Borret, island in the Torreb Straits (also, Sea), site of Robert Trober’s Hebe y Láquesis, as well as, perhaps, his My Nine Dampest Lays Innately Spasmed | 22, 23, 97

Bosch, Anonymous, hierophantic Dutch fantasist | 2, 131

bosdvennïy (босдвенный) discalcedly dangerous | 90

Boserup, Ester, sociosexual economist of womaninity | 135

BPF, body position fixed; bandpass filter; bi-ply flexible | 143

Brachypodium sylvaticum, false brome | 55

Breton, Audré, stipendiary literatrix of Lutèce | 137

Bruegel, Pieter, not to be confused with his pouncer son; B’s paintings of bucolic houghmagandy (e.g., Chasseurs neigeux au relais, La Chute d’Icare, Fuga in Egitto, Rentrée des troupeaux, Repos nomade des moissonneurs, Der Kampf zwischen Karneval und Fasten, De Blauwe Huik, Het Luilekkerland, La Danse de la mariée en plein air, El vino de la fiesta de san Martín, Kinderspelen) examined | 98

Brunfelsia aseliana, Aselian raintree, an entheogenic nightshade | 70

Bucorvus abyssinicus, ground hornbill | 55

Budé, Guillaume, scholar; his Lexicon Pandectae (in mult. vols.) is de rigueur for vigorous readers of rigorous literature and Vice-Versa | 112

Buni, Dr. Peter S., a Tolkienian tontinist often to be found in the salle au fond (backroom) of the Dirna Route Café (q.v.) | 72, 137, 141, 145

Byron, Dino, noctambulistic protagonist of D’une boîte à l’autre by J.-S. Partre (q.v.) | 112

bythë, ass, arse, cul, bottom, derrière; see also budhna (बुध्न) ‘bottom’ and πυθμήν (puthmḗn) ‘bottom’ | 136

byudniy (бюдний) mundane, ordinary | 111

Cabet, Nehorići and Eirinehonići, founding brothers of Beulah (q.v.) | 97, 130

CACA, Center for the Analysis and Clitalysis of Altarity, 11 Prospero Place Road, Château Methuen, Owlstain, FZ 23632 (isocphys.org/caca) | 7, 126, 132

Cadabrov, Dr. Abraham (“Doc Abra”), renowned psycho-spiv of “spiritual” gimcrackery, author of From the Bardo Cave to Nirvana: How to Harness Your Astral Being and Change Your Sublunary Life for the Better, Bringing the Astral Plane Down to Earth, and so on | 76

Caldwell, Erskine, sanctimonious contemptible literary archetype mentioned in passing | 86

Calliphlox, genus of hummingbirds with particularly (insbesondere) incisive beaks | 130

Camassia leichtlinii, the western quamash or wild hyacinth | 16

ćāmīkarīya (चामीकरीय) golden | 75

Campanula glomerata L., hermaphroditic Eurasian perennial herbaceous plant, called ängstoppklocka, byaskvaller, campanilla, clustered bellflower, csomós harangvirág, Dane’s blood, dzwonek skupiony, ganteline, kolokolchik skuchenny, peurankello, toppklocka, Zäpfleinkraut, etc. | 2

Campanula lichastica L., crane’s-bill bellflower | 108

Candolle, Marie de, odalisque | 129

CAR, the author’s Case Against Reality — see Realia.

Caracola communalis L., the common caracol | 75, 95, 109

ćāraṇadāra (चारणदार) dancing consort of wandering actor | 85

Castanopsis muriosa L., the stuprose chinkapin of Greater Gondwanaland | 135

Catamena aka Catarata aka Ekaterina aka The Error-Kissed Kid aka Betty, our author’s (q.v.) ulu-wielding meaty junior colleague from IPSI (q.v.) in Agua Prieta (q.v.) | 10, 103, 131, 143, 144

ćaturmūrti (चतुर्म्ūर्ति) four-faced | 120

Castilleja sp., owl’s clover | 111

Celeus sp., piciform woodpecker | 41

cenet, heaven | 117

Centaurea cyanus, cornflower | 141

Ceranisus menes Walker, 1840, Tetrastichine Chalcidoid wasp that parasitizes thrips larvae | 49, 551

Cerastium glomeratum Thuill., 1799, cosmopolitan weed | 5

čertovska (чертовска) devilish, unholy | 143

Chalchiuhtlicue, dea limnobiotica | 117

Chan, Abra, hired Callirrhoe, former inmate of the Cluny Convent | 76, 114, 130, 131, 136

Chaucer, Miguel de, Cantabrian poet; his Romaunt de la Rose is quoted | 126

Cheiromeles sp., a(n) hairless insectivorous bat | 73

Chicomecōātl, dea geobiotica | 117

Chironex sp., a noxious cubozoan | 74

Chlamyphorus truncatus Harlan, 1825, the pichiciego or pink fairy armadillo | 144

Chlorogalum leichtlinii, see Camassia leichtlinii.

chokusetsu na no o nigeru (直接なのを逃げる) to avoid being direct | 144

Choleoepus d’laumesii, the Appalachik sloth | 104

chōsanboshi (朝三暮四) insouciantly superficial deceit | 131

Chuchita, island in the Tanoan Sea not far from Isla Miranda (q.v.), known for its endemic marsupials | 108, 145

chúvstvennïy (чувственный) sensual | 13

Ciconia yerisoa Gmel., 1789, the temple-robbing stork | 40

Cilappatikāram (சிலப்பதிகாரம்) a collection of poems | 144

Cioran, Emil, therialist | 116

Circe, a nymph, her δολῐ́ου κύκλου (q.v.), her waxy rondeurs, her drutastaltinacious subjection of Odysseus (q.v.) for a year on her lush toroid isle, Aeaea (q.v.); see also the sculpture of C by Gumery in the Cour Carrée du Louvre | 2, 40, 87, 111, 122

Citlālpōl, Venus | 120

čitose ame (千歳飴) striped “thousand year candy” | 107

“Clitalytical role of lexical ecology in the recovery of the unconscious eidola of sociophysiological experience, the,” D. I. Swopes, Translexicalia V, Année 4º | 55

Clitophon, ancient protrepsian promulgator of the “theory” that the separate sexes evolved from a single hermaphroditic ancestral form; see Plato’s dialogue of the same name | 128

Clitoria ternatea, the butterfly pea or supuṣpa (सुपुष्प) | 141

Cloots, Anacharsis, an anarchist | 125

Clusia alba Jacq., 1760, the dawn-blossoming gutífera blanca | 29, 108

Cochlearia officinalis, scurvygrass | 55

Cochliomyia hominivorax Coquerel, 1858, la lucilie bouchère or New World screw-worm fly | 120

Cœurlion, Sappho, hetairotopian auteure | 132

Colimski (aka Clomiski, aka Kolmisci, aka Slomicki), mononymous graphic novelist of heteronymic persuasion | 134

Coltrane, Mona, co-founder and managing editor (ME) of the Owlstain SCAT (q.v.) and certified community member of ISOCPHYS (q.v.) | 70, 76, 95, 103, 104, 106

Compass in a Frog Pond, A — see M. S. Litarn.

Condillac, Étienne Bonnot de, sociophysiologiste à l’avance | 114

Convolvulus massinii, Massini’s bindweed | 107

Cookia sulcata Gmelin, 1791, a turbinid sea snail | 60

Copaiva officinalis Jacq., 1760, le copaïer, copaiba, tacamaca, or diesel tree, producer of copahu or copaiba oil, an antieczematous yet stimulating balm | 131

cponyungo, or kponyungo, Senufan ritual helmet mask | 122

Crampel, Declic, Ramponneau, and Rambervilliers, observant doctors who, it is hoped, will not appear again | 79

cravichon (Prunus spinosa), the wild plum or sloe (q.v.), a fruit amenable not only to the production of metaphors and slivovitz (q.v.), but also that of fountain pen ink | 92

Cryptobranchus alleganiensis Daudin, 1803, Appalachian hellbender, ménopome | 108

cum linguis rapacibus (c.l.r.) ‘with rapacious tongue’ | 78

Cummings, E. E., syntacticist, aphorism attributed to | 114

Curcuma upoḷeṣvana, a particularly juicy and astringent variety of turmeric endemic to the Far Gimmals (q.v.) | 67

Cyanocorax peneus, a riparian jay | 75, 109

Cypraea tigris, tiger cowrie | 39

Cypripedium sp., lady’s slipper orchid | 110

Dactylis glomerata L., or cock’s-foot, an Old World bunchgrass | 2

daiinshin (大陰唇) labia majora | 131

daisensei (大先生) great teacher; high-class hetaira | 131

daišō (大小) pair of swords, one big (大), one little (小), worn by samurai | 140

dakṣiṇalatīya (दक्षिणलतीय) southerly creeping | 117

Dalbergia glomerata Hemsley, 1878, species of New Lexican rosewood, known as granadillo rojo | 2, 4, 16, 48

Dama dama L., fallow deer | 18

dámička, little queen | 111

δαφοινός (daphoinós) tawny | 144

Darsinu, Raúl, hetairotopian author | 132

Datisca glomerata C. Presl, androdioecious perennial herb of the southwestern Tetrastics, known as Durango root to certain transplanted Appalachiks who harvest its long bitter serrate leaves, its tubular flowers, and its hollow roots and stems for use in purgative, emetic, emmenagogical, abortifacient, cathartic, psychotropic, toxic, and other more or less X-ic preparations involved in sociosomatic ritual and goetic praxis | 2, 27

Datura stramonium L., mnemonoclastic nightshade | 4, 8

Daubigny, Karl, co-author with Alfred Jarry (q.v.) of L’Ornithologique de sperme (q.v.); see, before it’s too late, Be(com)ing: The Resonance of Character (q.v.) | 130

Daudet, Alphonse, auteur de L’Arlésienne | 132

De Mestrie, Edouard Onfray (Saint-Malo, 1802 – Saint-Pétersbourg, 1861), tidal entontomatologist, authority on the terraqueous Histeroidea | 23

Dermea tetrasperma, dermateaceous fungus | 116

Dermestes artipes De Geer, 1774, the narrow-footed larder beetle | 84, 93, 103, 116

Derounian, André, immaterialist | 116

Derrotù, Jacques, dématérialiste | 116

derzkiy (дерзкий) audacious, brazen, impudent, cheeky, insolent... | 86

Deux, Teresa van, underaged bête anversoise currently making out in particular in the Dirna Route Café (q.v.) in Owlstain | 72, 95, 105, 112, 116, 121, 128

Devi, Kiko, one of Our Founding Faculty at ISOCPHYS (q.v.); co-author with Gennifleur Schlame (q.v.) of Be(com)ing: The Resonance of Character (q.v.) | 127, 128, 130, 143

Dewaels, Cléora, juvénile journaliste belge, fifth of Trober’s Nine Dampest Lays (q.v.) | 26

dhāmārgava (धामार्गव, Achyranthes aspera L.), an ericoid amaranth also known as prickly chaff flower or devil’s horsewhip | 97

dhanvaga (धन्वग, Grewia elastica Royle), an ericaceous drupe-bearing mallow shrub | 97

dharnāhitalakṣaṇa (धर्नाहितलक्षण) high-quality | 137

dhātupneumatos (धातुπνεύμᾰτος) spiritual exudate | 31

dhītarasa (धीतरस) sucked dry | 102

Didelphis tlacuatzin Kerr, 1792, Tetrastic opossum; as well as its insular variant, Didelphis tlacuatzin chuchitiana, the Chuchita (q.v.) opossum or zarigüeya | 108, 145

Diderot, Denis, aïdoïolâtre matérialiste | 111

dikiy (дикий) wild, bizarre | 111

dīkṣaṇīya (दीक्षणीय) initiand; dīkṣita (दीक्षित) initiated | 131

Dilophus febrilis L., a gnat | 113

dīrgha (दीर्घ) for a long time; dirge-like dance-form | 132

Dirna Route Cafe — voir Café de la Route de Dirna.

Dis — see Dein Verfasser.

Diu Rynnäs, Goddess of the Breast | 83

D’Laumes, Samuel D. (Beulah, 1862 – Owlstain, 1928), littoralist, docent, ladies’ man, spy; author of various works (e.g., Litterae litorales: Littoral excursions and literary excuses; Monstra montana: Montane despatches and mundane debauches; Tetrastici Annales [Tetrastic Animals]; etc.) on lamantins, manatees, dugongs, mermaids, naiads, hetairas, etc., their physiology, natural history, etc.; see also the river in Flouziana apparently named after the beloved “tide hoolie” (or possibly a relative) as the Appalachiks of the New Owen City district of Owlstain were wont to call him | 26, 27, 30, 31, 44, 50, 94

Doe, Robert, author of Inmates’ Endplays and other penal acts | 12, 19

dohyōgiwasuru (土俵際する) wrestle to/in the very (b)rink | 131

δόλιος κύκλος (dólios kýklos) snare | 2

dōnuki (胴抜) patchwork undergarment or slip | 140

Dorieda, Corilla, fondatrice polyandre de Beulah (q.v.) | 97, 130

Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Stravinsky, and Tchaikovsky, principles, apparently, of a firm of musico-literary solicitors whose case of “plagiarism, piracy, and parody” against our author (q.v.) will have been resolved by the time this entry is composed | 86

drutavilambita (द्रुतविलम्बित) fast, slow; fast, slow; fast, slow... | 13

Dryden, John, allegorical Sassenach, his “Absalom and Achitophel” | 114

Du Camp, Maxime, écrivassier putanoleptique, propos du soir from his Crépuscule of 1893 | 77

Duchamp, Marcel, Oulipian fabricator | 77, 131

Dusicyon pampoikilos, the variegated chilla or zorro jaspeado, known for its brindled pelage, bushy tail, and wily ways | 141

Dugong beuhalensis Spitmarkx, 1841 (syn. D. silauchalensis Dorieda, 1843) the Beulah Bay, or Texas Coast Fukari, dugong | 98, 137

Dugong gondwanalandis Lacépède, 1804, the Gondwanaland dugong | 21, 22, 90

Dugong hengduangis D’Laumes, 1897, hermetic paedomorphic sirenian | 30, 87

Dunne, Y. W., author of À la recherche du temps foutu [An Experiment with Time], a study in oneirochronogeny | 35, 53, 104

duyên vô (緣無) tactless, luckless | 142

DV, Dein Verfasser, derelict street artist and part-time barman who, insinuating himself into our SNE (q.v.), dares at times to ventriloquate in the voice of OA (q.v.); aliases include but are not limited to Dis, Hesperus, Lucifer, Mephistopheles, Phosphorus, le Tentateur, le Trompeur, l’Imposteur, der Verfasser, etc.; his impish impersonation of a comically vieux yet still roguishly spry galettier is a thing to behold | 60, 73, 89, 90, 119, 120, 121, 124, 133, 137

dwailingaka [dvailingaka] (द्वैलिन्गक) a duplicitously sexed being | 96

dwiretas [dviretas] (द्विरेतस्) hermaphrodite | 96

e (絵) picture, painting | 17

Edo, Jidai no (江戸, 時代の) Edo Period (1603–1868), also known as Jidai no Tokugawa (時代の徳川) | 17

ἠερόεις ἅλς (ēeróeis háls) gloomy brine | 132

eichi no kairaku (英知の快楽) savoir-foutre, connaissance libidineuse, pleasure-wisdom | 127

ἐιαρί (eiarí) ruddy, succulent, fresh, vernal; ἔαρ-ἰδέαι (ear-idéai) fresh, vernal succulent forms or images | 46, 49

εἵαται ἠλεόι (heíatai ēleói) encamp insanely destitute of sense | 16

εἰλαπιναστής (eilapinastḗs) banqueter, feaster, fêtard; εἰλαπίνη (eilapínē) banquet, feast, festival | 105

ekatva (एकत्व) oneness, unity | 104

ekichō (益鳥) good bird | 102

ἑλεόθρεπτος (heleóthreptos) palustral | 131

Elisions, Mistress of, la Maîtresse d’Élisions; see Realia.

Eloë, Mrs. Esta — see Mutualité des Mesures Éditrices.

emakimono (絵巻物) picture-scroll | 99

emonogatari (絵物語) illustrated story | 99

Engush, Upper, possibly a typo for Upper English, a dialect, or perhaps course-level, of that language.

ἕνωσις (ἕnosis, henosis) oneness, union | 127

Enterolobium cyclocarpum, the huanacaxtle or elephant-ear tree of New Lexica | 129

Ἠώς (Ēōs) see Uṣas.

Erasmus, ou Érasme, exalted ἐραστής of yore | 111

Erehwon en Wye, lacustrine dorp of North Appalachia | 32

Ernaux, M. S. — see M. S. Litarn.

Erronea pallida, pale cowrie | 39

eruchisan [erutisan] (獲る知さん) ‘Miss Wise-Finder’ (or 獲る痴さん, pronounced the same: ‘Miss Foolish-Finder’) | 85

Eryngium gallinaceum L., hen’s eryngo, panicaut de poule | 36

Esman, H., see The Meaner Side.

Est, Sorea, Tetrastic sociophysiologist of Pannonian extraction; his work (e.g., Le Condamné immergé, J. Tetr. Litt. Stud., Inter alia, L’Essence encaquée de l’univers carcéral, Und so weiter) exploring the biological substrates of naval penal practices including that of the subjective experiencers of ditto as well as the objective marine, littoral, and social ecological contexts thereof, etc., has been an invaluable source of fertile sociophysiological as well as lexical ecological substrates upon which the mycelial growth of our author’s (q.v.) words to make a story out of has been cultured | 11, 12, 22, 25, 38, 42, 43, 50, 52, 61, 101, 132, 133

Esterval, Dorothée d’, “grande et belle femme d’environ trente-six ans, excessivement brune, les yeux d’un éclat étonnant, la taille belle et fine, le cheveux du plus beau noir, velue comme un homme, point de gorge, le cul petit, mais bien coupé, le con sec et pourpré, le clitoris long de trois pouces, et gros à proportion, la jambe parfaitement belle, infiniment d’imagination, de vivacité, des talens, de l’instruction, très scélérate, et tribade au suprème degré” (La Nouvelle Justine, ou Les malheurs de la vertu, Hollande, 1797, troisième tome, p. 158) | 128

eta (穢多) low-caste, outcast, untouchable | 105

Et si à Paris t’es travelo: Guide seyant d’amples indices locaux, anonymous hachure | 12, 115, 116

Etrobr, Bror-te, see Robert Trober.

εὐΐατος (euiatos) easy to heal; εὐΐδρωτος (euidrōtos) sudoriferous; εὐΐερος (euieros) conforming to ritual; εὔϊχθυς (euikhthys) fishy; εὐίλατος (euilatos) propitious; εὐίσχιος (euskhios) beautifully hipped; εὒϊστος (euistos) scientoleptical; εὐϊῶτις (euiōtis) bacchanalian | 134

Exema penthesilea L., an Amazonian chrysomelid | 4, 109

Exta and the ecstatic: From haruspex to ἐνομήρες ἔρωτες,” G. Opornémuse (q.v.), Translexicalia I, Année 0 | 101

Fagan, Futita, Owlstain’s cattiest scatophile and columnist for the Owlstain SCAT (q.v.) | 102

Falco sparverius L., Buntfalke, Appalachian kestrel | 108

Far Gimmals, also known as les îles Jumelles or the Twin Isles, a pair of islands, Aseli (q.v.) and Abenaseli (q.v.), dead-centered in the Arathu Sea, stronghold of the Huerta-Fukari (q.v.), refuge of speedy lamantins (q.v.) and spindly manatees (q.v.) | 9, 15, 21, 68, 101, 104, 125, 129, 132

Feuchtwanger, Lion, writer; his Exil (Amsterdam, Querido, 1940, Drittes Buch, 7. Telefongespräche in der Sommerfrische) quoted | 103

Flamingo, Hope, one of Our Founding Faculty at ISOCPHYS (q.v.) | 143

Flaubert, Paul G., écrivassier de province settled in Atuona, Hiva Oa, author of picayune romans à tiroirs (RT) put out there by Haole University Press of Western Polynesia | 35, 36, 50, 57, 59, 63, 64

Fodorovna, future Mrs., née Prato de Momiji. See Momiji.

Fuchsia prismaninea, the prismanine fuchsia | 117

funitowa (不二常) eternal advaita, non-dual eternity; non-dual, eternal; advaita, eternity | 127

Fusée, Claude-Henri de, érotomane | 109

futago (双子) twin, twins | 125

futanari (ふたなり, 両形, 二形) dimorphic being, polymorphous hermaphrodite; see also Tlaatlata (q.v.) | 127, 128, 140, 143

Gabirol, Solomon ibn, ecumenical hylomorphist d’Al-Andalus | 67

gabisa (画微差) stroking of the delicate margin | 141

gagaku (雅楽) elegant music | 126

gaichō (害鳥) bad bird | 102

gālaniboddhṛt (गालनिबोद्धृत्) flowing-knowing | 112

Galvari (Opornémuse), Gloria, former member of the (now defunct) North Texican parliament, co-founder with Maryam Ravigiallo (q.v.) of Glamporium (q.v.), ISOCPHYS (q.v.) certified Owlstain community–member | 66, 88, 91, 95, 101, 102, 112

Ganzert, Frans de of Gelderland, famous composer of High Walloon zarzuelas and Low Frisian Singspiele, most notably I Dioscuri au Soir dem Pissoir | 90

Gass, William H., postmodern sophiast | 114

“Gaunt offal waits for no fault if wagtails take flight tonight,” M. S. Litarn’s (q.v.) ongoing column in The Meaner Side (q.v.) wherein the character of Graystar, noctambulant voyeur, recounts his foveate ambles durant la nuit parisienne | 127

Gaussianity, Mistress of non-, see Realia.

Gavialis tetrasticus, the Tetrastic gavial | 92, 115

gebhīra śiṣya (गेभीर शिष्या) elephant-cunted student | 67

Gefjon, fertility goddess | 75

genshō (現象) phenomenon | 131

genyo (幻世) fantasy world | 105

Gerdoransvidal, Intrussyan suburb of Gertrude, Wyo., also known as Gustavschuln (q.v.) | 39, 55, 90, 112, 143, 144

ghanapuṣṭa (घनपुष्ट) hard, fully developed, and club-like | 127

ghṛṣu (घृषु) mirthful | 131

gláha (ग्लह) gamble, wager | 3

Glamporium, pornocratic hetaïro-entropium, Owlstain | 66, 88, 91, 94, 95, 102, 110

Glampornium, see Glamporium.

glawnïy (главный) central | 89

γλῆνις ὀμφαλῐκή (glènis omphalikē) umbilical bauble | 134

Glinglin, Saint, fête fêtée à la Ville Natale | 137

Globe and Courier, award-winning daily of Bulgamarsh, Wyoming | 102

Glomerella cingulata, teleomorphic avatar of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, a Sordariomycete causing bitter rot in apples | 2

Glomeris marginata Villers, 1789, the European pill millipede | 2

glomusha (гломуша) extract of Datura stramonium L. | 4

Glycéra, a sweet, a very sweet indeed hetaira whose eternal loveliness may be admired in the flesh, as it were, in the form of Marie-Louise Lefèvre-Deumier’s portrait en rond of her in the Cour Carrée du Louvre | 87

Gnemon mellitostachyum Rumph., 1749, the common marsh neemom, a liana found in littoral, riverine, and estuarine forests of the southeastern Tetrastics and western Appalachia where it is valued for its edible fruits and leaves as well as its seeds, called “noix de noces” due to their erotogenic and emetic properties | 41, 43, 103, 107, 132

Gogh, Vincent van, impasto’d imposter, oil-skinned maniac | 10, 131

Góngora, Winona, goitrous yet gorgeous muckrakeress agogo for the Globe and Courier (q.v.) of Bulgamarsh, Wyoming | 102

Gorky, Arshile, abstract primitivist | 131

gōu (豪雨) cloudburst, downpour | 137

Graystar, heteronymous narrator of “Gaunt offal waits for no fault if wagtails take flight tonight” by M. S. Litarn (q.v.) | 127

griveća, Acacia argeia L., Argive acacia | 97

gromowïy (громовый) stunning | 105

Gruppensādhanatva, collectiva beatitudo (sādhanatva साधनत्व, dairokuten 第六天) often accompanied by excreta gaudibunda (dhātupneumata धातुπνεύμᾰτᾰ) | 31, 127, 132

Grynsztejn, Szasza, practitioner of BDT (q.v.) | 142, 143

Guattari, Félix, deterritorialist | 116

gudapuṣṭha (गुदपुष्ठ) plump anal aperture | 127

gumats gimulah (גומץ גימולה) pit of retribution | 144

guṇālabhāsukhabhuman (गुणालभासुखभुमन्) splendid scorpion-tailed being of all pleasures | 127

Gupta, Deshna, scholar of the Kṣeptrāghānand’ Purāṇa (q.v.) | 127

Gustavschuln, Intrussyan suburb of Gertrude, Wyo., also known as Gerdoransvidal (q.v.) | 39, 55

Haddow, Martin Alexander, Glaswegian socioentomologist | 96

haibun (俳文) earthy mix of prose and verse | 17

haisatsu haisei (拝察 胚性) embryonic inferences | 108

Haliaeetus cataegistrus Gmelin, 1788, the maelstrom glede, Austronesian pygargue, typhoon harpy, tempest erne of the South Pacific | 3

Halodoea irisete, rainbow sea nymph | 40

Hals-Blauli, Lucia, psycho-repressive scholar, co-author with Celila Schaumaulisch (q.v.) of Polizia, Popoli, Pazienti (q.v.) | 115, 117, 121, 130, 132, 133

Hamiltonian, Tony, one of Our Founding Faculty at ISOCPHYS (q.v.) | 143

hangetsu (半月) lunar periodicity | 128

hanuke (羽抜け) moulting | 132

harigata, harikata (張形) your déguisé(e) Dilmunite’s galimatias de qaḍīb iṣṭināʿiyy (قَضِيب اِصْطِنَاعِيّ) | 125, 46

harmón (הַרְמוֹן) sanctum cunnorum | 106

Hašek, Jaroslav, itinerant farceur | 142

hattōshin (八頭身) beautifully proportioned woman | 131

ḥawāšin (حواش) marginalia | 97

Haz(z)ard, S. Rider, transerotologist, her opus magniloquus, The Venus of Translation, is quoted and distorted | 140

Heliodeoides spp., parasitic tachinid flies | 67

Heliodore asiate, tape-grass | 40

Hemsley, Guillaume Bodkin, naturalist | 2, 4, 101

heri (屁理) crepitological, fartoonish, fartose, fartute, flatuleur, flatulogical, petalin, pet-plattu, pooterish, proutard, toot-à-fartesque, vessequeux | 137

Hermsen, E., see The Meaner Side.

Herodotus, historian; his Histories (Ἱστορίαι) quoted | 106

Herophilos, Alexandrian anatomist, author of Μαιεία (Midwifery) | 131

Herphromandite anasésymplectique — Hermaphróditos anasesymplektíkos (Ἑρμαφρόδιτος ἀνασεσυμπλεκτίκος)? Hermaphróditos anasesurménos (Ἑρμαφρόδιτος ἀνασεσυρμένος)? Hermaphróditos anasyrómenos (Ἑρμαφρόδιτος ἀνασυρόμενος)? | 120

Herzen, Édouard-Alexander, physiologue social | 69

heslový (הסלובי) lexical | 131

Hesse, Marten, Appalachian sculler, scullion, ornithologist, and swimmer, formerly resident in Paris, now an author in Masse-Herten; quotes from his Steen’s Harem (first published serially in The Meaner Side), extracts from his “Holy Wound” | 16, 32, 43, 45

Hibiscus rufibarba D’Silva, the velvet hibiscus of South Asia | 141

hichiriki (篳篥) double reed instrument of gagaku (q.v.) | 126

hikōkenjatekina (被後見者的な) in statu pupillari, apprentice-like | 143

hinure (品熟れ) classy, ripely elegant | 143

hitoe (単衣) plain under-kimono | 140

Ho, Leo, xocotl-lover, culture editor of the Tixputo Lexiphore, a bi-weekly put out in Barrio Tixpu, Agua Prieta (q.v.) | 102

Hoban, Russel, writer; a passage from his Pilgermann (1983, p. 101) is plagiarized | 121

Holothuria tubulosa L., type specimen of the holothuroid (sea cucumber) class of echinoderms; many other clades, genera, species, etc., are possible; among our favorites may we mention the stichopodids and synallactids? | 117, 118

Homo pandarus vicinalis, pandering pests typically found haunting nearby tables in café, bistrot, brasserie, etc. | 95

Hopkins, Gerard Manley, a lover, like our author (q.v.), of the brute pied beauty reality (q.v.) tickles out senses with | 94

Hooxliy, Elspet, best-selling author of Strange Worlds for Red, A Brave in the Wild World, The Rainbow Lizard, A Rape in the Hay, Yellow Hippos, etc. | 97

houpačka, seesaw | 135

hṛdayapatha (हृदयपथ) heart-path | 131

Hu, Yu No — see Lee See.

Hubert, H., itinerant Appalachik littérateur whose Speak Chloë, or, The Confessions of an Agerastic Nymph, has served as la matrice textuelle from which the author has reniflé, voire humé, comme un chien Saint-Hubert and plundered à la Trober (q.v.) as many words to make a story out of (ἰδέοῥῆσἁλεότια) as possible; see also V. Sirin | 136, passim.

Huēhuecoyōtl — see Tlaatlata.

Huīxtohcihuātl, dea halobiotica | 117

Hutcheson, Francis, Irish pragmatist | 132

Huygens, Kreios Baruch, bio-historico-mathematico-mechanico-socio-philoscophical materialist | 143, 145

Huysmans, J.-K., author of Les sœurs Vatard (1879), À rebours (1884), Là-bas (1891), etc. | 18, 90

Iagip, lit. ‘Big Fir Camp’, a bucolic dorp of Fukariland | 94

ibn-Šarj, Maisel — see Maisel Bénatrou.

ichibai (一倍) monoploid | 85

ἰδέοῥῆσαλεότια (idéorhêsaleótia) the agglomeration (ἁλεότης) of words (ῥῆσις) into forms (ἰδέα), e.g., words to make a story out of as well as a species of Lampyris glow beetle endemic to Isla Miranda (q.v.) | 16, 28, 40, 42, 50

iiliskotin nokka, lit. ‘trickster’s beak’, an umbril | 143

ikabirabira (鰞びらびら) lit. ‘squid-fluttering,’ a brand of biro | 86

ikigai (生き甲斐) повод, raison d’être | 121

ikiryō (生霊) anima, animus | 86

ikoša (遺孤奢) extravagant orphan | 132

ikyokuru (委曲る) to detail, fill in details, write circumstantially | 86

ILE, Institute of Lexical Ecology, 11 Prospero Place Road, Château Methuen, Owlstain, FZ 23632 (isocphys.org/ile) | 6, 7, 15, 49, 97, 105, 126, 132

Ilena — see IPSI.

Ilesa, exclusivist eupornotopia of Aseli (q.v.) | 66, 67, 68, 69, 88, 107, 120, 125

Illich, Pasha, convivial four-stroke father-figure and hetairotopianist, author of Genderless Shadow Play; Schools for Conviviality; Retooling Social Sex; Mirrors of Awareness, Vineyards of Divastigation; etc. | 131

ima omoide (今思い出) now-memory, “the remembered present,” i.e., the interpenetration of present experience with memories of past experience; see also panomoideist (パン思い出イスト), “omniremembrancer” | 81, 108

imi (意味) meaning | 144

imiko (忌み子) abandoned, unwanted, taboo’d child | 107

imori (井守) Cynops pyrrhogaster, the lovely fire belly newt, as lethally chock-full of tetrodotoxin as your fey deceitful Taricha sp., which see | 84

Inari Ōkami (稲荷大神) androgynous bibulous vulpinophilous otherworldly sponsor and protector of the good things in life (wine, women, children, song, cute furry animals, la grande bouffe, etc.) | 112

Inhart, Atoca, Tocharian trollop currently residing in Lutèce | 76, 97, 114, 130, 131, 136

Inula helenium L., elfwort, a pungent, mucilaginous asterid | 113

Ipomoea indica, the koali awa or blue morning glory | 141

IPSI, Institute for Paperism and Senimalistic Invaginations, Barrio Tixpu, Agua Prieta (q.v.); Institute of Psycho-Sociological Investigations, Barrio Ilena (q.v.) of the same city; Investigators of Parasitism and Symbiosis International, 11, rue Ernest Psichari, Paris | 6, 7, 9, 10, 93, 94, 111, 125, 127, 142, 143

irojaya (色茶屋) erotic teahouse | 110

iroke (色気) seductiveness | 67

Irolingua, mother tongue, sluts’s jargon | 137

iromi (色味) tinge | 67

iromuji (色無地) colorful kimono | 85

iroppoi (色っぽい) voluptuous, exquisite, beautiful | 115, 140

iroutsukushii kousetsu (色美しい交接) beautiful intercourse | 110

irozundo (色寸胴) lit. ‘sexily sleeveless’ (painting technique) | 132

Irusan, the blunt-snouted, rapacious, panting, determined, jagged-eared, broad-breasted, prominent-jointed, sharp and smooth-clawed, split-nosed, sharp and rough-toothed, thick-snouted, nimble, powerful, deep-flanked, terror-striking, angry, extremely vindictive, quick, purring, and glare-eyed “King of the Cats,” according to The Proceedings of the Great Bardic Academy | 49, 551

Isla Miranda, see Miranda Island.

ISOCPHYS, Institute of Sociophysiology, 11 Prospero Place Road, Château Methuen, Owlstain, FZ 23632 (isocphys.org) | 7, 60, 76, 92, 100, 111, 125, 126, 127, 131, 136, 143

Isouard, Ion, minor Albano-Maltese writer; his Livre de petits poèmes en prose hétéroplastique is referred to | 140

Iteiči (射手市) ‘Toxophiletown,’ original name of Beulah (q.v.) | 130

itome (糸目) fine-spun string | 85

iyarkaist, from இயற்கை, ‘nature’, hence, naturist | 97

izlišne (излишне) prodigiously, abundantly, excessively | 67

Jamyn, Amadis, his Œuvres poétiques (Paris, Léon Willem, 1878) | 98

Jarry, Alfred, author of Le roman d’un déserteur, Faustroll, L’Ornithologique de sperme (q.v.), and so on | 18, 130

Jetsam siluriformes Hemsley, trashfish | 101

jīvana (जीवन) life | 47

Johnson, Samuel (1709 – 1784), anticipatory plagiarist of Jacques Rimbaud (q.v.): “It is a general rule in poetry, that all appropriated terms of art should be sunk in general expressions, because poetry is to speak a universal language” (Lives of the Sassenach Poetasters, Glasgow, 1825, p. 119). | 90

josōša (女装者) transvestite drag queen | 105

Jouhandeau, Marcel, Lutetian uranist, his Ximenès Malinjoude | 114

Joyce, James, author of Ulysses, a novel wherein a special character representing the author himself, played by, in this instance, The Man in the Brown Mackintosh, flits about the book, spying, as it were, on his hero; see also Odysseus (q.v.) | 119

JSOCPHYS, the Journal of Sociophysiology | 108, 124, 131

JTLS, J. Tetr. Litt. Stud., the Journal of Tetrastic Littoral Studies, quotes from | 10, 61

J. Wyo. Lx., the Journal of Wyoming Linguistics | 124

JYazS, the Journal of Yazdehan Studies, put out by CACA (q.v.) | 132

Jynx torquilla L., the Afreurasian wryneck, or iynx | 76, 135

kadamba (கடம்ப) calamar | 88

καιρωμα (kairōma) rhythmical interlacements of text and texture | 144

Kaiser, Dr. Louise, sociophysiologiste; her “Poging tot omlijning eener sociophysiologie,” written July 1944, published 1946 in Mens en Maatschappij 21(2): 71–86, and “Naar een stichting voor sociophysiologie,” Medisch Contact 7(9): 143–145, 28 February 1952, should inspire any and everyone to learn Dutch | 106

Kalypso, Ogygian nymph, cousin of Circe (q.v.) | 122, 125, 135

kame (瓶, 甕) earthenware pot | 94

kamei (家名) family honor | 132

kamen (仮面) disguise | 132

kame-no-akaši (亀の証) tortoise’s enlightenment, turtle-transformation, Schildkröteverwandeln (?) | 132

kamenolomnya pokinutïy (каменоломня покинутый) quarry, abandoned | 104

Kandinsky, Wassily, krughist, aphorism attributed to | 114

karaṇaṃ ća pṛthagvidham (करणं च पृथग्विधम्) various intruments | 78

kāraṇaśarīra (कारणशरीर) causal frame, mesoderm | 110

karkaṭamarkaṭāsana (कर्कटमर्कटासन) crab-monkey position | 127

Kashi — see Benares.

Kāśī — see Benares.

Keel, Lyra, lithe Bothnian showgirl, our author’s (q.v.) initiatrix into the arcana of the karkaṭamarkaṭāsana (q.v.) | 127, 130, 131, 132, 135, 136, 141, 144, 145

Kempis, Phalanarius van (11 August 1383 – 27 July 1481), his septem artium (seven arts) for the attainment of the three L’s (learning, liberty, and libertinage) are laid out in Ab imagine χρίσματος (The phenomenology of unction) | 86, 132

kenkyūin (研究員) head lab worker | 144

Keśamardana, Asa, a random hairdresser | 132

khilakṣetram (खिलक्षेत्रम्) uncultivated field, wasteland, terrain vague | 49

khilapāṭha (खिलपाठ) commonplace books | 76

khuralikhita (खुरलिखित) scratched | 119

Kibiya, Mr. Kambiyari, composer and part-time music teacher at Steen’s Harem (q.v.) | 86

Kič, Miłoš, an overzealous, overaffable, overdutiful, overconscientious, overcareful, very biddable yet, en même temps, rather slipshod skivvy de l’escalier | 31, 115, 137, 138

Kidjaki (or Kidyaky), Djuma and Rick, seafaring frères | 91, 95, 136

Kidyaky, Ada dite “Bunny,” goton de Lyon | 111, 136

kioku no tera (記憶の寺) temple of memory | 110

Kipfernagel, Mrs. Rosario, proctor of olitorical balanistics at Steen’s Harem (q.v.) | 86

Kips, Mr. Pradeli, heterosexual handyman at Steen’s Harem (q.v.) | 86

kirabiyaka (綺羅びやか) gorgeous | 86

kiyukata (綺浴衣) yellow silk peignoir | 111

kizatanikushitsui (気障多肉質い) smugly succulent | 137

“Klar Urbild einer Schlautat unsres Spie(ge)lhauses : Towards a clitalysis of the schizomythia of sociophysiology, ein,” D. I. Swopes, Journal of Sociophysiology 5(1), January 1997 | 131

Klee, Paul, linearist, aphorism attributed to | 114

kocur, tomcat, inst. kocurem | 135

Kohen, Naphtali ibn, kabbalist | 114

kojoku (小職) geisha-in-training | 96

kōširami (口虱) verbal lice | 142

Krafft-Ebing, Richard von, sexologist | 98

Kraus, Joseph Martin, composer | 135

krīḍakṣetra (क्रीडक्षेत्र) playground, champ ludique de plaisir | 102, 110, 127, 132

krīḍanīyakaṃ (क्रीडनीयकं) pleasure-giving device | 95

Kripke, Pavel, Intrussyan bordophilologist | 86, 90

Kromberg, Miriam, Ossianist from Osekia or Osterode | 93

krovavïy (кровавый) bloody | 114

Ksar Pexmits (Pešmits, Peshmits, Peshmic, Pešmic), also Ksor Paxmets (Pašmets, Pashmets, Pashmec, Pašmec), depending on grammatically triggered vowel harmony and system of transliteration employed — lit., ‘Lucky Fort,’ the fortified old city of Aseli on the island of Aseli (q.v.), famous for its eponymous Library of incunabula and introuvables, many of which, hélas, were destroyed by Texican and Mexisi invaders during the war | 68, 88, 91, 95, 131

Kṣeptrāghānanda Purāṇa (क्षेप्त्राघानन्द पुराण) Treatise on the Efficient Transmission of Humane Bliss | 127

kshafim (כְּשָׁפִים) incantations | 63

kṣīṇavat (क्षीणवत्) wasted, decayed | 82

kṣuvat (क्षुवत्) churning | 14

kúchka s skázkoy (ку́чка с ска́зкой) Pushkin’s fabled frabjous heap | 63

Kuhn, T. S. (1922–1996), shifty paradigmaticist of incommensurabilia; see also A. B. Kuhn (1880–1963), protoschizomythologist, and F. F. A. Kuhn (1812–1881), ditto | 50

κῡφωνισμόρφωτικός (kūphōnismórphōtikós) kyphonismorphotic | 144

kuroi (黒い) black; also, kuro-aona (黒青な) black-blue, blue-black | 107, 141

kyū (笈) wooden box containing the heterolexical tools of promiscuous textuality, carried, soit strapped to one’s back, soit on a leashed travois | 143

kyūdeki (宮出来) princessly skill | 144

kyūdekina nonoširi (急出来な罵り) curt hexy mewlings, unexpectedly sudden half-baked scurrilities | 143

kyūkai (九回) ninth | 144

kyūyū (旧友, 級友, or 旧遊) old pal, classmate, or former playmate | 143

Lacerta ececheirii L., truce lizard | 31

Laforgue, Pierre-René Jules, author of a word attributed to him | 69

laligava (ललिगव) lit. ‘having to do with the play of the heart [and] mind’, i.e., sociophysiologic(al) | 92

Lallemantia iberica, an aromatic potherb | 92

lamantin, Aleutian (Halitherium aleutis Kaup., 1838) | 22 (?), 44

lamantin, Medean Sea (Thalassodamalis medea Lacépède, 1804) | 5, 13, 22 (?), 24, 26

lamantin, Salween (Lentiarenium salweenis Fitzinger, 1842) | 22 (?), 30

lamantin, speedy (Trichecus rapidus D’Laumes, 1893) diadromous sirenian tending to overwinter in the Far Gimmals and calve in the rivers of Flouziana and Wyoming | 9, 21, 22, 26, 27, 89, 129

lamantin, unidentified sp. | 22, 87

Lambert, Lampert, see Robert Trober.

Lamarck, J.-B.-P.-A., orgasmatist | 105

Lamia, our author’s (q.v.) sister | 10, 27, 31, 41, 42, 43, 50, 54, 55, 73, 81, 82, 83, 86, 100, 110, 112, 116, 121, 127, 132, 133, 136, 137

Laminaria tumorosi L., species of seaweed | 42

Lampides nestanya Strick., 1840, a Nestanian Blue or cerulean lycaenid | 18

Lampyris ideorhesaleotia L., curious estuarine species of glow beetle | 42

Lansquartre, J.-G., Harnröhrenschwellenphänomenolog from the Windegg waywodeship of the Republica Helvetiorum, author of Le méat et l’urètre: Psychanalyse de la miction (Weesen, Harnschmidt, 1937) | 28

Larix appalachis, mélèze d’Appalache, Appalachian larch | 104

Larousse, Grand, creeping crepusculum of said dictionnaire | 2

Lasphrise, Sieur de — see Marc Papillon.

Lath, Laurence (“Larry”), sociophysiological playwright lost in London c. 1926, his Aunt Smaragdina’s Parandrus | 94

Laver, Purniṣotem, her “Entropium” | 53, 103

Laubert, Franc, romancier à tiroirs | 26, 64, 132

Laumes, Louis-Fournier des, romancier à tirage | 26, 37, 132

Law, See, first of Robert Trober’s Nine Dampest Lays (q.v.), model of Berta in that author’s Hebe y Láquesis; our author’s mentor at IPSI (q.v.) in Barrio Ilena, Agua Prieta (q.v.); see also Lee See | 6, 9, 15, 22, 25, 26, 30, 35, 55, 61, 64, 74, 87, 88, 121, 122, 125, 129, 131, 132, 142, 143

Le Bey, S., Cuman ichthyologist and author of Lutogenesis, or The Muddy Margins of Life (1922); his eel | 30

Le Dumas, Ms. Aude — see Mutualité des Mesures Éditrices.

Leibniz, G. W., monadologist | 53, 125

Leiris, Pallas, wags on both sides of the Arathu Sea (q.v.) claim that this author of erotic satire is the model of the author’s M. S. Litarn, yet anyone who has read either, and all who have read both, would sneer at such a slur | 50, 67, 114

Le Lionnais, F., amateur du disparate | 3

Le Lunitrebvre, J.-H., cosmopolitan romancier very much to our liking, cited works include Méprises de temps, and so on | 130

Leopardi, Giulia, dite La Panthère d’Amour, poéteresse onomatopéique | 98

Lepidium trifolium L., trefoil pepperweed, berro trébol | 10

Leptospermum scoparium, mānuka | 141

λεπτοξύστῐκός (leptoxustikos) narrowly astringent, thinly rasping | 107

Lerge, Aemira — see Mutualité des Mesures Éditrices.

Lestoros chuchitensis, caenolestid endemic to Isla Chuchita (q.v.) | 108

Letrinquier, Erin T., dite La Petite Rentière, fourth of Trober’s Nine Dampest Lays (q.v.) | 26

Leucippus, atomist | 125

Leucothoa erysilunaris, sublunary rose dog-hobble | 55

Levinas, Baruch, Anarcho-Couronian poet in exile in Paris | 88

Ligustrina bulgaris Yeobright, 1805, Bulgarian lilac | 55

līlosneha (लीलोस्नेह) playfully amorous, unctuously playful | 131

liṅga (लिङ्ग) lingam, lingamajig; sign, symbol, signal, sex; phallus, phalloidal clitoris | 44, 45, 51, 89, 102, 127, 131

lingšu (令酒) drinking game; see also mushiken (q.v.) and yakyūken (q.v.) | 143

“Lire : esquisse socio-physiologique,” par Georges Perec (q.v.). Esprit 453: 9–20, janvier 1976. Reprinted in G. Perec, Penser/Classer (Paris: Hachette, 1985). — important article on lexical ecology | 106

Litarn, Marlstin Stramlin (M. S.), pedestrial mnesicacographer and nonerand of the International Meeting of Schizomythologists and Sociophysiologists (imssoc) and heterosexual art reviewer for The Meaner Side (q.v.), formerly resident in Lutèce and currently interned at either the Appalachian Mental Institution in Shatsbrook, Appal. (q.v.), or the Reformist Academy and Institution of Devotion in Dirna, Wyoming, or both and often mistaken for Our Author (q.v.) and whose aliases include, but are not limited to, M. S. Ernaux, M. S. Litarn-Stracklind, M. S. Litarn-Spraxmit, M. S. Litarn-Spackman, M. S. Litarn-Steen, M. S. de Stupraca-Clunarn, M. S. Litarn-Stragetture, M. S. Strickland, etc.; in 2001, The Meaner Side (q.v.) Press of Paris will (already have) put out one of the digits of this author’s pentapodal project, Transfigurations of a Scholastic Rosary, in the form of a self-described “slim child’s book purporting to contain an account of first and last things as told by a frog in a frog pond” entitled A Compass in a Frog Pond (q.v.) | 76, 82, 97, 98, 111, 114, 123, 124, 127, 130, 131, 136, 325

Littré, chemins brumeux of said dictionnaire | 2

Llerasia fuliginea, an aster | 13

l’olam vaed (לְעוֹלָם וָעֶד) in saecula saeculorum | 127

Loki, the ruddy Rudra (q.v.) of the North | 39, 51

Loria, N., Tetrastic tide hoolie from Neocaesarea | 40, 53

Louÿs, Pierre, anthophile | 125, 128, 131, 135

Lovelace, Adélaïde, clitalytical pornotopianist, author of Brouillons de moravagine clitalytique, Vers une clitalyse moravagineuse, etc., and discoverer of the “Lovelace reaction” invoked by the reading of such works, or even their mere titles | 120

Lowell, Valerie P., Martian poetess | 134

Loxopithecus aquaticus, our aquatic hominid ancestor | 128

ložnïy (ложный) deceptive | 100

Lucienne, jeune fille brune et maigre dont la pointe des seins est noire; clitoris à 8 centimètres (Pierre Louÿs (q.v.), Jeunes Filles, coll. part.) | 128

Lurz, Dr. Onya Elisa, komisaria teksékana de kampos de konsentrasyó | 132

Lyrastrix okiao Andreu, the Wialoahassee elt owl | 28, 57

Lysimachia coronata D’Laumes, Texahatchie tiaraed loosestrife | 27

madanatṛṣṇa (मदनतृष्ण) love-thirst, epithet (Madanatrishna) of Robert Robert (q.v.) | 131

madhu (मधु) honey | 131

Mādorūbagam (மாதொரூபகம்) — see Tlaatlata.

Mallarmé, Stéphanie, Sunday sonneteer | 98

manatee, caliginous (Hydrodamalis caliginosa Loria, Sorea, Yersin, 1904? 1912? 1929?) | 40

manatee, hermaphroditic, see Sherman’s siren.

manatee, Mandé (Trichechus senegalensis Link, 1795) | 40

manatee, Medean Sea (Thalattosiren medea Gervais, 1847) | 5, 22 (?)

manatee, Siberian or Amur river (Potodamalis siberiis Kropotkin, 1865) | 40

manatee, spindly (Hydrodamalis gracilis D’Laumes, 1893) svelte yellow diadromous sirenian tending to calve in bays of the Far Gimmals and overwinter in estuaries, rivers, and lakes of northeastern New Lexica and southwestern Wyoming | 21, 22 (?), 26, 27, 87, 89, 108

manatee, unidentified sp. | 22, 43, 87, 103, 111

maṇi (मणि) jewel | 111

maṇibījalakṣmī (मणिबीजलक्ष्मी) beautiful seed-jewel | 112

Manne, Manny de la, author of Laus Mulierum Maturissimarum (In Praise of Ripest Ladies), published at the author’s expense by Tipsy Senimalist Press, Lorita Avenue, Owlstain, n.d. | 117

Manse, E., see The Meaner Side.

Manyōshū (万葉集) a collection of poems | 144

mapōšin (魔法神) sorcerer, guérisseur | 141

māquīzcōātl, tētzāuhcōātl (amphisbaena) | 120

Marceuil, André, surmâle | 107

mārga (मार्ग) path; mārgadarśaka (मार्गदर्शक) guide | 102, 134

Marx, Karl (1818–1883), Rhenish alienist | 73, 86, 91, 95

Mastersheen, Flouzo-Appalachian river dividing the Flouzianian town of Mastersheen from the Appalachik ditto of Shatsbrook (q.v.); see also La Tour du Pont (q.v.) as well as the Shmeem (q.v.) | 16, 27, 32, 42, 43, 46, 101, 104, 131, 133

Matin, Dr. Tarnished — see Dr. Tysin B. Tartis.

Matin Osé, Le, or Нахальный Утро, tsarist daily published in Saint-Omer | 81, 85, 99, 105, 116

Matisse, Hubert, peintre fauvériste | 103, 129, 131, 132

Maurevert, Georges, author of Le Livre des Plagiats (Paris: Fayard, 1922) | 107

māyākartha (मायाकर्थ) fabulation, fabricated illusion | 131

māyāmaya (मायामय) illusory | 117

Meaner Side, The, revue x-lingue put out at 11-bis, rue Mansart, Paris, 9e, by Hester Esman, Esta Hermsen, Esther Manse and/or Herma T. Nesse et al. whose ambition, according to the thick journal’s colophon, “est d’entasser Hemingway’s legacy of sere anthems of exile and sheer mean-streak envers les existentialistes même dans une seule masse thrénétique qui rase the menses of semen-haters everywhere, for, it is said, ‘whom art enmeshes, Seshet enmarbles’” | 32, 36, 40, 44, 45, 46, 48, 68, 73, 76, 95, 98, 116, 127, 134

Megaselia, genus of scuttle fly | 70

Meisel, E., composer of scores for various zoopraxiscopic, eidolophoric, and agonic spectacles during the silent era, including those of Brecht, Eisenstein, usw.; his synthesis | 30

Melmoth, Sebastian, eponymous auteur fictif of a work by Barbey d’Aurevilly (q.v.) — not in text.

Melville, Pierre, golden-haired, stunning Ostrobothnian fiancé of a meaty junior colleague of quite stupendous parts indeed of the author’s (q.v.) at IPSI (q.v.); not to be confused with Master Peter aka Maître Pierre, subject of a case study in the author’s collection referred to elsewhere in another context | 10, 88, 103, 131

Mendès, Catulle, mnésoclaste avant la lettre | 104

Mesures Éditrices, Mutualité des, editorial committee of the Owlstain SCAT (q.v.), consisting of Mr. Gil Aire, édition; Mme. Rosa Barsombarsam, responsabilisation; Mrs. Esta Eloë, melos è artes; Ms. Aude Le Dumas, lecture; Mlle. Sana Smala, enluminement; M. Gille Vue, parution; assisted by Aemira Lerge, freelance girl sans titre; headed by Mona Coltrane, managing editor (q.v.); seconded by Adam Trembart, art director (q.v.) | 103

Metacrinus rotundus, Japanese sea lily | 129

Methuen, Johnson Willoughby M., philanthropist, fellow Resident Lectuer at ISOCPHYS (q.v.) | 126, 128

Meyrink, Mark, Ossianist from Osterode or Osekia | 93

michimaki (道巻) indigenous lane ribbon oak (Quercus michimakii) (q.v.) of Shatsbrook (q.v.) | 104

Micropsitta sp., the Pygmy parrot | 137

Microtalia, genus of tiny snails | 95

Miller, Henrietta, tumefacient author of such popular paperbacks as The Rosy Fixation, ou Le Vit en Rose; Sexae, Nexae, and Orexia; As I Lay Back, She Spring Sprang Sprung, to name only the most well-thumbed and soiled of those in our collection | 111

Minkowski-Smart Experimental Method (MSEM), proto-clitalytical technique of textual calisthenics; see also SMEM | 86

Miranda, island of the so-called Tanoan Sea, actually the southwestern quadrant of the Arathu Sea | 41, 42, 49, 50, 54, 56, 74, 100, 101, 112, 120, 127, 131, 133, 137, 145

Mirwas, Dr. Trixie, habitué(e) of the Dirna Route Café (q.v.) | 72

mišinsa (見診査) indagational perspective | 127

mišinsan (身心算) corporeal intent | 127

Missten, playa den, secluded cove on the leeward side of the Prietan isthmus, well known for the abundant ammonites populating its littoral | 10, 26, 27, 88, 121, 131

mitodae (みとだえ, 見跡絶え) vision-pauses, idea-ruins | 50

Miwa, Sri Tony, aka Antonio Torōshaburu (q.v.), another of our author’s “uncles,” formerly of Agua Prieta (q.v.), currently of Saint-Omer | 81, 82, 83, 85, 93, 99, 107, 110, 111, 112, 116, 121, 131, 132, 133

Mixcōātl, mythic inventor of the fire-drill and bow-and-arrows, hence the analogical connection to axis mundi, Milky Way, cosmic smoke/sperm, etc.; cognate with Loki (q.v.) and Rudra (q.v.), among others | 71

Mixia nymphalisae Bauer-Weir, 1911, pucciniamycotinid fungus | 70

μναστηρο-σύνοδος (mnastēro-synodos) gathering of suitors | 121

Mnemosyne, entheofication of memory and desire, mother of all Muses; see also smara (q.v.) etc. | 76, 97

Mnesarete shadei Nab., 1902, damask damselfly | 27

mnésopurvaraćita (μνησοपुर्वरचित) manifoldly refashioned of recurrent remembrances | 67, 130

μνωίταρος (mnōítaros) menial, serf-like | 73

Modiano, Eric, Lutesian scribe; his popliteal propensities; his Parisette des mers oubliées (Paris, Gaston Godin, 1994); his envy of Bénatrou (q.v.); his “putting into practice” (poner en práctica) of our author’s (q.v.) порочность (q.v.); his false resemblance to Grimaud, the devoted valet of taciturn Athos (“Quoique Athos eût à peine vingt-huit ans et fût d’une grande beauté de corps et d’esprit, personne ne lui connaissait de maîtresse. Jamais il ne parlait des femmes. Seulement il n’empêchait point qu’on en parlât devant lui, quoiqu’il fût facile de voir que ce genre de conversation, auquel il ne se mêlait que par des mots amers et des aperçus misanthropiques, lui était particulièrement désagréable. Sa réserve, sa sauvagerie et son mutisme en faisaient presque un vieillard; il avait donc, pour ne point déroger à ses habitudes, habitué Grimaud à lui obéir sur un simple geste ou sur un simple mouvement des lèvres. Il ne lui parlait que dans des circonstances suprêmes. Quelquefois Grimaud, qui craignait son maître comme le feu, tout en ayant pour sa personne un grand attachement et pour son génie une grande vénération, croyait avoir parfaitement compris ce qu’il désirait, s’élançait pour exécuter l’ordre reçu et faisait précisément le contraire. Alors Athos haussait les épaules, et, sans se mettre en colère, rossait Grimaud. Ces jours-là il parlait un peu” [Alexandre Dumas, Les Trois Mousquetaires, Paris, Dufour, Boulanger & Legrand, 1863, p. 62]). | 76, 84, 90, 97, 114, 130, 131, 136, 141

Moebius-Kantor (or, Möbius-Kantor) Rideaux (MKR), system of curtains within curtains within curtains undulating within the Breeze of Being (Brisesein, αὔρᾱὄν), constituting the very fabric thereof | 85

Moimo, Fra, mercenary scholar of obscure Occito-Gallic origin whose sole surviving bon mot consists, as far as is known, of precisely half a décasyllabe from an unknown chanson de geste, amser trwyn trenca, ‘time breaks the nose’; an idea more fully developed in Spitmarkx’s (q.v.) reciprocal concepts of “zeitengebrochen Gedanken denken” and “zeitengebrochen Nasen nässen” (to think time-broken thoughts; to nose time-broken noses) | 94, 95

Μοῖραι (Moirai, Parcae), the three fates Κλωθώ (Clotho, Nona), Λάχεσις (Lachesis, Decima), and Ἄτροπος (Atropos, Morta) typically working in the wings but who on occasion are wont to come onstage, often sans one or two of their sisters | 28, 78, 79, 102, 108, 119, 124

Momiji, Mrs. Fodorova née Prato de, our author’s (q.v.) bouncingly bosomed madre, mère, mother, mom; late Luto-Sanseian proprietrix of a maquerellesque cha’ abran (teashop) in Porto Vecho, Agua Prieta (q.v.) | 3, 10, 23, 29, 35, 41, 42, 43, 49, 54, 55, 59, 73, 79, 81, 84, 97, 101, 107, 111, 112, 117, 121, 123, 125, 127, 137

Monogononta, class of rotifers | 134

Montaigne, Miguel de, bordophilic senimalist avant la lettre | 14, 16, 68, 101

Monterroso, Pio, Tetrastic kinship specialist; his Manipurica Soporis Manium Oso Aius Principia (On Aius the Despised’s “Manipurican Principles of the Stupefaction of the Manes”) recently won the Goldbarg Prize for Ethnoethology | 140

Moon, Amrita de, exquisite pubescent seductress and second of Trober’s Nine Dampest Lays (q.v.) | 26

more upoitelnoye (море упоительное) enchanting sea(scape) | 98

Morida temopsoredu Le Bey, 1926; the lutarious rasher eel endemic to the montane reaches of Lushui | 30

motoune (素畝) sillon primordial, fente nue | 109

motsure (縺れ) entanglement(s) | 125

Mowgli, a randy satyr | 111

mudrost' (мудрость) wisdom | 117

mukaši mukaši (昔々) once upon a time | 96

Murex daris, the spiny dye-murex | 110

Murray, A. O., sapphirine belle-lettrist, citations from his Hero and the Blues (1973), as well as his Blue Devils of Nara (1996) | 50

mushiken (虫拳) fist-game where kawazu (蛙, ‘frog’ [thumb]) beats namekuji (蛞蝓, slug [pinkie]), namekuji beats hebi (蛇, snake [index]), and hebi beats kawazu.

mušiao (虫襖) ‘insect screen’, i.e., elytron | 105

Musophaga violacea, the violet turaco, famous for its whirling dervish–like mating dance | 140

Nabokov(a), Valerïy, mesmeric parodist, her Introrse Ampleur d’Éclats (Pale Fire), Король, дама, валет (King, Queen, Knave), “Облако, озеро, башня” (“Cloud, Castle, Lake”), Ada, “Vane Sisters,” Inter alia, as well as Lectures on “Don Quixote” | 88, 114

“Nachtwachen und Nachtwandeln: La zarigüeya como modelo del fenotipo de ‘ronda nocturna,’” ms. in prep. of our author (q.v.), intended formerly to be submitted to Revista Novalexicana de Divastigaciones Sociofisiológicas (Agua Prieta), currently under translexicization to be submitted to TLex (q.v.) | 145

nāga (नाग) snake, serpent demon, name of tribal people; nāgavrāta (नागव्रात) swarm of snakes | 4, 73

nāgaprabodha (नागप्रबोध) snake awakening into consciousness | 127

nāgavraćieśāta (नागव्रचिएशात) nagabakama (長袴) or pleated silk split skirt | 107

Naja sukhumwixis, Surinamese spitting cobra | 71

nakhal'nïy (нахальный) osé | 116

nakhodnik (находник) discoverer, trouvère, chercheur | 142

nalyubleniy (налюблений) amorously satiated | 112

nantoiu tošigaimonai! (なんという年甲斐も無い) how disgraceful! | 121

Naphtali, Abu Imran ibn, altarian tropaicist | 114

Naranārī (नरनारी) — see Tlaatlata.

narážka falschka (наражка фалщка) innuendito falsito | 143

nārika (नारिक) aqueous, watery, spiritual | 21

narinari (成形) be(com)ing | 129

nārītaraṃgaka (नारीतरंगक) libertine | 130

Naso, Publius Ovidius, Roman, orphan, exile; his Metamorphoseon | 58, 144

Natsume, Sōseki (夏目漱石), author of Wagahai wa Neko de Aru (吾輩は猫である, I Am a Cat). Incidentally, the phrase overheard in an onsen in the author’s unfinished Mei-An (明暗, Chiaroscuro) and which our author (q.v.) misquotes as “Mukaši mukaši šiyūdōtai no biyō wa kojoku dešita (昔々雌雄同体の美容は小職でした; Once upon a time, the epicene’s beauty was a geisha-to-be),” is actually “Mukaši mukaši intōna minato-mači ni utsukušii šiyūdōtai ga yūgana kojoku ni natta (昔々淫蕩な港町に美しい雌雄同体が優雅な小職に成った; Once upon a time, in a lewd port city, a beautiful epicene became an elegant geisha-to-be).” | 96

NDLR, note de la rédaction | 4, 83, 90, 100, 125

Nesse, H. T., see The Meaner Side.

nevozmutimïy (невозмутимый) unflappable | 116

newt, Appalachy (Theriotriton appalachiensis Müller, 1776) riparian sirenian of Appalachia | 40

Nezayadhū no (de) Yashube (根鞘धूの[で]野趣辺), Our Lady, lit. ‘she whose root is a trembling sheath from (or in [or of]) a place of rustic beauty’ | 131

nidhāsaṃvaraṇa (निधासंवरण) ingannatory | 131

Nietzsche, Friar, queer theorist of the polymorphous selves’ multisensuous ubiquity; their Gay Science is de rigueur | 20, 70, 114, 124, 144

nīlarasa (नीलरस) blue-black ink; evergreen juice, sap | 63, 105

Nin, Andrés aka André Nin aka Andreas Nin aka Andreu Nin, anarchic author of Anarchic Art (L’Art Anarchique, n.d.) | 97

Nimloidu, genus of hermaphroditic land snails | 111

ningyo (人魚) merperson; also ningyō (人形) puppet, doll | 144

nirākula (निराकुल) limpidity, clearness | 21

Nirusa — see Nirusa Suraní.

niṣkagrīva (निष्कग्रीव) golden-necklaced | 102

NLA, non-local avatar; also, the NLA-verse, its loneliness | 134

nomaseru (飲ませる) to serve drinks | 132

nomaširigaru 飲ま尻軽 bibulously wanton | 140

Norlia, ancient aldea in the Upper Engush (q.v.) region of Hamiltonia, renowned for its production of silk and cotton peploi, ancestor of the sari; last known locus vivendi of G. P. Zeliony (q.v.), father of Bernard Vighdan (q.v.), this latter a co-founder of ISOCPHYS (q.v.); souche ancestrale of Dr. Iésoé Aléothia (q.v.); locus reperti of Syringodium norliana (q.v.) — not in text; see under Alinor instead.

Novalis, Ellery Snow, Byronic Brytho-Saxon avant la lettre, author of a Total draft of a way to a final calling to accounts (Das allgemeine Brouillon) as well as an infamous posthumous manuale stupratoris, Ab Art fangt das Tor unzählig: Kryptisch Stoßtman’s Kompagnonsbuch (Frankfurt, 1802), serially Appalacho-Flouzianified by Atoca Inhart (q.v.) in various installments of The Meaner Side (q.v.) as Myriad ways of bagging rooks: A cryptic rapist’s companion | 134

Nugent, Radha, hetairotopian authoress | 132

Numenius spp., the whimbrels and curlews | 137

nūtanayauvana (नूतनयौवन) fresh, young | 128

Nymphalis rousselii Canterel, 1914, Roussel’s nymph, a lace cerise jester | 31

OA, oneirophanic apperception, ontic antinomy (antinomie ontique [OA, q.v.]), ontic appropriation, as well as Our Author (q.v.), who art the only begetter of our SNE (q.v.) and mnemonoclastic theorist of aorist asylum (q.v.) and who shalt not be confused with DV (q.v.) | 105, 134, 136, passim.

Ocypode sp., ghost crabs | 41, 100, 101, 112, 133

Odin or Wotan, hyperboreal instar of Huēhuecoyōtl, Indra, Itzamna, Phanes, Prajāpati, and so on | 71, 81

Odisea, Odysée, Ὀδύσσεια, Odyssey, divastigatory voyage, archetypically by Odysseus (q.v.), metaphorically by whoever, our author in particular, and his or her sister Lamia (q.v.) too | 32, 42, 49

ὁδοιπλᾰνέω (hodoiplanéō) errer de côte et d’autre, s’égarer; ὁδοιπορέω (hodoiporéō) voyager; ὁδός (hodós) voie, route, chemin (Bailly) : hoiastic | 40

Odonata, the damselflies and dragonflies | passim.

Ὀδυσσεύς (Odysseus); also Odiseo, Ὀδυσεύς (Odyseus), Ulysse(s), Ulises, etc. — a sneaky snide randy wily ostensibly virile yet insidiously feminine toxophilic ponce, panderer, and hale reiterator cognate with Arjuna (q.v.) and Tlaatlata (q.v.) and in thrall to both Circe (q.v.) and Kalypso (q.v.) during their Odyssey or Odisea (q.v.) | 2, 3, 32, 40, 111, 122

Oedogonium sp., green algae | 79

Oenone, Seoste (“See”), a ṣaṇḍha (q.v.) in Steen’s Harem (q.v.) | 54, 61, 64, 86, 104, 107

O’Ferrall, Trilby, “a very tall and fully developed young female” denizen of George du Maurier’s memoir of mid-century Paris, A Void, a Gap, a Blankness (London, 1894) | 3, 7, 15, 21, 67, 136, 142

ohatsusensui (お初潜水) going down, under(water) for the first time | 125

ōhō (応報) just desserts | 130

οἴαγρουωυ (oiagroyoy) blossoms of the wild sorb-apple | 102

οἰᾱκο-νόμος (oiāko-nómos) helmsman | 28

Οἰόρπατα (Oiórpata) αἱ ἄνανδροι κρεοβόροι ἀνδροκτόνοι Ᾰ̓μαζόνες, γὰρ ᾰ̓νήρ κᾰλέεται κατὰ τὴν Σκῠ́θην γλῶσσαν οἰὸρ (oiòr), τὸ δὲ κτείνειν πατὰ (patà); see also Herodotus (q.v.) Histories 4, 110 | 106

οἰσπότη (oispótē) “suint, graisse de la laine de brebis” (A. Bailly, Dict. Grec-Fr., 1935) | 40

okāsa-ni kameyajima (お母さ似 亀屋縞) motherly habutai silk (?) | 132

ōmeyōlloh, two-faced, traitor, deviant | 106

Oncorhynchusia allegorica var. skullachiasmatica, indeterminate Tetrastic salmon | 117

oneirophane, la rêvée vie, souvent nocturne, matinale, mais aussi songée en état d'éveil; la vida soñada; see per contra Agrypnophane, as well as Realia | 62, 83, 90, 103, 105, 122, 133, 140

Ono no Komachi (小野小町) Heian wakaista | 137

Onychoteuthis delumbis, the limping armhook squid | 118

ὀξυλαβέως (oxylabéōs) vivement, brusquely | 95

ὅπλον (hoplon) tool, tackle, weapon | 107

Opornémuse (Galvari), Gloria, see Gloria Galvari.

opsinirmalous (from opsinirmala ὀψιनिर्मल) leisurely resplendent, limpid a largo | 140

oputanitsa (опутаница) entanglement | 125

Orchis laeta Steinh., 1838, the sālāmiciri (சாலாமிசிரி), or salep orchid | 67

Orfanita, Anónima, anonymous little orphan of Steen’s Harem (q.v.) | 54, 61, 64, 104

Ornithologique de sperme, L’ (Paris, Éditions du Carrefour, 1893), by Ajar & Daub (q.v.); see in particular Be(com)ing: The Resonance of Character (q.v.) | 130

Ὅροι Τῐκτομένη (Horoi Tiktomenē) Goddess of Boundaries, see also Realia | 83

oshaku (御酌) dispenser of drinks; οἰνοχόον, échanson, Mundschenk | 48, 131, 132, 144

Osipow, Paul, Bothno-Thracian dělatista | 75, 96

osmapustomeli (осмапустомели) cafards bavards | 104

Osmid, Sir Gustavus, basso buffo; his rollicking portrayal of Pollux in Frans de Ganzert of Gelderland’s (q.v.) I Dioscuri au Soir dem Pissoir resonates even today in the memories of Singspiel-buffs everywhere | 90

osorašii (恐らしい) skittish | 142

oteledo (отеледо) bodily | 131

οὐλομελίη (oulomelíē) plenitude | 144

οὐσία τραυμᾰτῐκή (ousia traumatikē) wounded ousia | 29

padprāṅga (पद्प्राङ्ग) to sally forth princely with a delicate foot-long member | 127

Paeonia sp., peony | 141

paludnïy (палудный) paludéen | 15

Påntöffel, Boris, Poldevian alcofribasticist du faubourg Saint-Germain | 112

Panus conchatus, a tough leathery mushroom | 132

Papillon, Marc, Sieur de Lasphrise, his Gaillardes poésies (Turin, J. Gay et Fils, 1870) | 98

Park, Ms. Tallula, dance instructor at Steen’s Harem (q.v.) | 86

Paroha, Harpo, maiko-in-the-making at Steen’s Harem (q.v.) | 54, 61, 64, 104

parrots, various often unidentified and occasionally suicidal variants and instars of | 81, 85, 106, 108, 112, 117, 124

Partre, Jean-Sol, vers-libristic œilladist of Paris, author of D’une boîte à l’autre, a novel in verse aperçues [sic?] which our author (q.v.) viatically consumed en passant | 112, 116

pāśānanda (पाशानन्द) constrictive bliss, pleasure-trap | 127

paśupāśaka (पशुपाशक) quidam coeundi modus dit ‘de la petite bête bien colletée’ (pecus laqueata, κτῆνος εὔβροχος) | 95

πάτος (patos) path, steps, way, floor, dirt, dung | 115

Pavlov, I., Poldevian financier and sociophysiological plagiarist of Zeliony’s (q.v.) pioneering work in the field | 4, 35, 76, 87, 88, 100, 115, 117

pāyukṣālana (पायुक्षालन) the cleaning of the anus | 127

Peatman, Ceann-na-Cloinne — see Brian von Woetsel O’Wallis.

Pecora pindelvnii Pindelvni’s peccary | 83

Pediocactus peeblesianus, the Huerta-Fukari pincushion cactus | 70

Penpingion, a schizomythological survivance, in the arresting glimpse of a writhing groveling jester of Welsh lore, of an extinct species of giant toxic salamandrid | 84

Perec, Georges, lipogrammaticist poilu, penseur classeur lexico-écologique | 106, 108, 114, 127

Peronospora conglomerata Fuckel, 1863, leaf-besmirching smut | 2

pestruvčivïy (пеструвчивый) motley | 125

Pet, Dr. Norbis, decrepit Teutonicist and habitué of the Dirna Route Café (q.v.) | 72, 141, 145

Pewowski, Dr., chief regional androgynous medicadastral practicolologist, Phantasmacope Word Clinic, Argiope Rd., Owlstain, FZ 23631 | 75, 90, 96, 141

Pfaffia glomerata, plagiotropical herb of the Pantanal | 4

Pfiffikustia, Dominique van (Pfiffikustia 1607 – Antwerp 1683), Swabo-Hanseatic Genremaler renowned for his or her pictures of cluttered philosophers’ garrets, chaotic proxenets’ estaminets, usw. | 138

phala (फल) fruit, menses | 114

Philo, Alexandre, oneiromantic oenophile, thaumaturgical dramaturg, opuscula consulted include Inter alia (Among others), Ο φωστηρ τρεμη ες παιδας συνοδ’ τ’ εραστης (The tremulous splendor of the erastically engaged child), Περι δερματε της συναισθησεως των ονειρων δυρατων (On simultaneously perceiving the duplicitous skins of intrusive dreams), Περι μεθης (On drunkenness) | 107

Philotocia vergata, ant-mimicking myrmecophilous cerambycid | 97

Phlebopus, unspecified bolete | 67

Phrixometra neopseusta, the plagal feather star, a crinoid | 33, 109

Phytolacca dioica, the ombú, its berries | 67

Picasso, Pablo, trouvère des arts plastiques, aphorism attributed to | 114

Pisonia rosalis L., the rose pullback, a tropical flowering tree | 140

pis(s)at' (писать) écrire, pisser; piss, write, paint | 26, 28, 49, 108, 117

Pisum sativum L., the common pea, known for its variegated flowers as well as its succulent seed-pods | 140

Pixis, Johann Peter, composer; an aria from his Mark Petronius, romantische Singspiel in einem Akt (Paris, 7 March 1837, Op. 137), is mentioned in passing as it was or is a favorite of Pedro’s (q.v.) | 91

“Plagiats intentionnels (PI) et plagiats involontaires (PI),” D. I. Swopes, Translexicalia I, Année 0 | 6, 8, 15, 76, 101

planowïy (плановый) routine | 116

Plato, bombasticist of yore | 114

πλιχαστῐκᾱ́ ἀληθείᾱ (plikhastika alētheia) intercrural truths | 134

pliks (פליקס) naked; pliki (פליקי) nakedly | 131

Pochothèque Publique de Paris (PPP), despite its name, a librairie selling cheap for dear | 115, 124

počóm (почём) combien? | 90

Podocarpus glomeratus, drupe-bearing hardwood dioecious conifer, endemic to the Chinchaysuyo region where it is known as intimpa or romerillo | 1

podsmotref (подсмотрев) prying | 83

Poe, Henri-Xavier, bouffe du nord de Paris, author, notably, of the opéra-bouffe, Sous le pont hasardeux coule la haine; his attempts, however, to evoke the eerie in such of his Appalachik verses as Ulalume, are deemed to have been less successful | 113, 114, 115

pokkuri (木履) wooden clogs or okobo (おこぼ) worn by maiko | 143

Polizia, Popoli, Pazienti (Milan, Adelphi, 1985), by Lucia Hals-Blauli (q.v.) and Celila Schaumaulisch (q.v.), a work which the author read in the first Gallo-Flouziane edition (id., Police, Peuples, Patients, Paris, Vrin, 1987), paying attention in particular to those passages touching on how the traumatized subject becomes singularly sensitive to the “mirage-like immanences” reality (q.v.) is wont to ramify in the subject’s experiences thereof as a means of lending a semblance of verisimilitude to said experiences; the work has been recently reissued in a revised, corrected, pocket edition (ibid., Police, Peuples, Patients, Paris, PPP [q.v.], 1996) of which the author has purchased seven (7) exemplars of for personal use | 115, 117, 130, 133

Polygonia satyrus, the satyrical comma, a nymphalid | 109

ponimuščiy (понимущий) humble, humbling | 21

Pont, La Tour du — see La Tour du Pont.

Pont-Chaponchat, Le Château de, fictionalized manor and demesne modeled on La Tour du Pont (q.v.) in Marten Hesse’s Steen’s Harem (q.v.) | 107

poranše (пораньше) earlier, previous | 109

Πορνοδιδάσκαλη (Pornodidáskalē) lit. ‘Mistress of Wanton Women’, an epithet of Persephone | 141

porochnost' (порочность) fellatious depravity; also, porucha, disorder, disability | 114, 117

Porphyrio nemonexi, the vagrant swamphen or peripatetic gallinule or wandering water chicken or meandering moorhen or néné bleu | 135, 136

poṭabhagābhyām (पोटभगाभ्याम्) “On the Pleasures to be Derived from Dalliance with the Duality of the Hermaphrodite’s Sex,” lost chapter of the Kṣeptrāghānand’ Purāṇa (q.v.) | 127

potochno (поточно) flowingly | 114

Pouteria sapota, a stone fruit | 67

po-veb, post-Veblenian | 138

povtorenie (повторение) repetition | 88

Powell, Dr., primary word-pervastigator, Composers, Rhapsodes, Artists, and Musicians Phalanstery, Euterpe Rd., Owlstain, FZ 23633 | 75, 90, 96, 141

Powelson, Dr., head word-episiotomotologist, Coitus Rhetoricorrupticus Academicarum Moralitatum Primitiva, Menippe Rd., Owlstain, FZ 23632 | 75, 90, 96, 141

Powers, Dr., chief word-epistemediologist, Centre de Recherche Appalache de Mentalités Privatives, Phalarope Rd., Owlstain, FZ 23643 | 75, 90, 141

Powys, John Cowper, alias Owen Glendower, splanchnophile écrivain gallois de romans d’aventures (White Fang, As the wolf howls at my door, If on a silent night a voyager, etc.) | 96

pòxiàngico (破相ico) scarred, deformed | 124

poxot (поход, похоть) hike, lust; poxodya poxodnïy (походя походный) offhandedly blithe; poxotlivïy (похотливый), lustful | 97, 102, 124

pradīrgha (प्रदीर्घ) exceedingly long | 127

prāhṇeććha (प्राह्णेच्छ) precociously desired or desirable | 126

pramada (प्रमद) reward; pramadā (प्रमदा) hussy; pramāda (प्रमाद) punishment | 80

prāṇamaya kośa (प्राणमय कोश) sheath of intellect | 110

praṅghasphāraṇa (प्रङ्घस्फारण) very intense, fast, pulsating, and penetrant | 127

prasādhana (प्रसाधन) aspiration | 131

prastītalos (प्रस्तीतlos) uncluttered, untrammeled, undisturbed | 115

pravṛkrīḍataita (प्रवृक्रीडतैत) playground of taboo | 97

prelokya devinām (प्रेलोक्य देविनाम्) universal lares | 13

pribaútošniy (прибаутошний) sketchily sportive, sportively sketched, glibly addictive | 21

primetamodo (приметамого) conspicuous | 97

prodážnïy (прода́жный) corrupt | 75

Proie, Mlle., aka Miss (de) Prey, Beulahan refugee, now an inmate of Glamporium (q.v.) | 88, 132

Proserpine, “a sly, key goddess of our cult” | 13, 73

Proust, Marcel, fictile penman, mnésolâtre uraniste de Lutèce, his Recherche (1913–1927) being a source of allusory props (recollected roller-coasters, recalled altarities, unforgettable tomes, eidetic seaside girls) for our author’s (q.v.) “mnemonoclastic project” | 3, 22, 26, 30, 35, 49, 57, 62, 64, 81, 82, 83, 88, 95, 97, 101, 102, 103, 104, 108, 114, 115, 117, 123, 124, 134, 135, 140

prosvitat' (просвитать) to whistle-soar, whistle-hover, whistle-dwell (within) | 120

provisat' (провисать) to be well-hung with, to deploy | 100, 104

Pṛṣat prāṇāntika (पृषत् प्राणान्तिक) a desperate spotted doe | 83

pruchaskalo (пручаскало) conditioned | 4

průklepný, carbon-copyish | 135

Pruphrock, J. Alphred, phynancier et pohète à ses eures | 119

Pseudotrina bertholdi Berthold’s trinitarian chamois deer | 83

Psichari, Ernest, Lepastic author of adventure tales and imperialist propaganda (Foveate ambles, Le désert d’érables, The resident pègre du café Personne, Les adieux d’armes, and so on) | 6, 18, 55, 56

Psilocybe caerulescens, derrumbe mushroom | 55

psychomachy, matinal; unpleasant condition experienced by the normally (by habit or instinct) vespertinal when, par la force des choses, they must arise and be active before, say, 3 p.m. or so, depending on the season; symptoms include cephalalgia, ontalgia, seizures, hallucinations, mnasiakakéō (μνησῐκᾰκέω, remembrance of injuries past), satyriasis, clitoromania; respite may be had in the ingurgitation of tawny spirits, caffeinated beverages, chocolates, as well as nightshade elixirs and hemp restoratives, preferably accompanied by “slow paradisal philters” (Hubert H. Humbert (q.v.), Speak Chloë, or, The Confessions of an Agerastic Nymph, Part Two, § 7) administered by learned tractatores ac tractatrices followed, optimally, by sleep until say, 3 p.m. or so, depending on the season | 5, 26, 33, 53, 57, 63, 112, 117, 129

psychomachy, other | 15, 16

ptakha (птаха) little bird | 114

πταξιμουσῐκή (ptaximousikḗ) bumble-music | 95

Pteretis tesseropteris var. estragonensis, Flouzianian tarragon fern | 12

πτωὑλαγματισμός (ptōhylagmatismós) barking spasm, howling epilepsy | 128

pūḥgnānda (पूःग्नान्द) merry, fiery, castellated, testicular | 127

puṃstva (पुंस्त्व) virility | 131

punarāgāmin (पुनरागामिन्) repeating, returning | 119

pupaghanāsakaupastha (पुपघनासकौपस्थ) expiatory cleansing of the pudenda | 127

pupphaṅga (पुप्फङ्ग) gaspingly bloated, pantingly overwrought | 127

Pushkin, Alexandre, Tsarist versifier, his Créole mother, his ку́чка с ска́зкой | 4, 12, 63, 64

puṣpa (पुष्प) flower, menses, pudendum muliebre, perinæum epicœnum; also puṣpāgra (पुष्पाग्र) lit. ‘flower-point’; nayapuṣpa (नयपुष्प) eye-flower | 114, 127, 131

pustit' (пустить) let | 117

Python capricapitatus ochlorhenophoreus var. menorrhagicus Meph., s.d., the menstruating goat-headed python clad in the sheepskin of the common man | 119

qaděš, qědēšā (קדש ,קדשה) devadasa/i, qadištu | 43, 107, 129

Qetesh [Qesesh], nude queen of heaven often found cavorting with her ithyphallic Min (man); not unrelated to above, which see | 138

Queiros, Fatima de, Renata/e’s sister, one of Our Founding Faculty at ISOCPHYS (q.v.), author of De Bulimi (On Bulimia, Owlstain and Paris, Editions Arinami, 1992) (q.v.) | 127, 143

Queiros, Renata/e de, aka “Pousse L’Affaire,” aka “The Snafflegaph;” one of Our Associative Faculty at ISOCPHYS (q.v.) | 66, 88, 91, 92, 95, 101, 112, 127, 128, 131, 132, 145

Quercus michimakii, the lane ribbon oak or michimaki oak | 104

Quin, Ann, litteratrix | 134

Ramée, Marie Louise de la, dite Ouida, romancière de société | 95, 116

Ranunculus sp., crowfoot | 33, 55

raṅgyātṛ (रङ्ग्यातृ) playful starting point | 127

Rao, Dr. Benet T., penseur clitalytique, columnist for the Owlstain SCAT (q.v.), aficionado of the tirelyrical tontine of Tradine Oru (q.v.) which we often played in the backroom (salle au fond) of the Dirna Route Café (q.v.) | 5, 72, 85, 106, 141, 145

rasa (रस) sap, juice | 105, 112

rasséyannïy (рассе́янный) absent-minded | 23

rastoropnost (расторопность) alacrity | 122

ratanārāćā (रतनाराचा) female voluptuary | 76

Ratibida sp., praire coneflower | 78

Rati Dlítelnaya (रति Длительная) Goddess of Protracted Pleasure | 13

ratikuhara (रतिकुहर) love-cavity | 128

Ravigiallo, Maryam, ISOCPHYS (q.v.) certified Owlstain community–member, co-founder with Gloria Galvari (q.v.) of Glamporium (q.v.) | 66, 88, 91, 95, 102, 112, 130

raznïy (разный) diverse | 117

realia, realidad, la déesse Réalité elle-même (Dame Reality herself) ainsi, ou plutôt, ou en tant que le dieu Réel (the Real) | 4, 5, 6, 14, 15, 16, 19, 22, 24, 27, 28, 29, 36, 41, 50, 51, 53, 57, 58, 59, 60, 62, 63, 65, 71, 75, 76, 80, 81, 83, 85, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 97, 99, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 117, 120, 121, 122, 124, 125, 126, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 136, 137, 144

Réalimerdre, Maîtresse — see Realia.

“realism”; “reality”; Case Against R; Dame R; Lady R; Our Lady of R, usw. — see Realia.

Redon, Odilon, peintre fictif in Huysman’s (q.v.) À rebours who soothed his nightmarish bouts with pythonesses and pegasi, cyclopses and succubi by sucking on Voilà, Pythonisse! (q.v.) pastilles | 90

reikučinoumai (麗口のうまい) gorgeously cajoling | 131

rekishorisuru (歴処理処理する) successively, continuously deal with | 131

ῥῃδιως (rhēdiōs) easily | 64

renku (連句) rhythmically interlaced comic verse | 144

Rensch, Bernhard, sociophysiologist; a non-bindingly non-binary variant of his allometric Law of sexual size dimorphism is invoked | 122

Repplier, Miss Agnes, our era’s sextodecimal vasis muliebris aeternalis | 94

Restif de la Bretonne, Nicolas, daughter-doting gynographer; his L’Anti-Justine, ou les Délices de l’amour (1798) is cited | 130, 131

Reswiri, Laxmi, sex waitress at the Sri Rémi Ixwara ashram and habituée of the Dirna Route Café (q.v.) in Owlstain | 72

ῥηξίψαλμός (rhēxipsalmós) rupturous thrum, ripping twang | 107

rill-o’-rim, bordrue | 37, 108, 117

Rimbaud, Harold “Childe”, schizomythic dockhand and socraticiste de rue et de mer, poète sarcastique à ses heures; frequent misspellings and/or heteronyms include Ribaud, Rimbault, Rimbuque, Roubaud, Brao, Bourdieu, Baudelaire, Gerbaude, etc.; his Fleurs de Lamia is a favorite; the eponymous Gerbaudes (Sheaves of Grain) a close second | 5, 37, 50, 56, 82, 85, 88, 90, 97, 98, 104, 110, 136, 144

Rimbuque, Vasili — see Harold “Childe” Rimbaud.

rindōiro (竜胆色) the color of blue gentian, or gentian blue | 105

riouri, riōri, ryouri, ryōri (料理) cuisine | 116

ῥίζοφύρον (rhizophyron) asphodel-root glue, Zpevnyt’s colle (q.v.) being a popular brand thereof | 138

ṛjumuṣka (ऋजुमुष्क) strong and muscular | 3

Robert, Robert, see Robert Trober.

Roe, Teresa (“Tessa”), third of Trober’s Nine Dampest Lays (q.v.), authoress of A Splined Amnesty, travel essay cum history of torture qua study of Stendhal’s “retrorse aesthetics,” as well as a racy memoir of adolescence, Amnesia Taliata [Caveat lector: It has come to our attention that much, if not all, of what Ms. Roe passes off as her Splined Amnesty is and/or are plagiaries of Joseph McElroy’s Lookout Cartridge (not in text) — NDLR.] | 11, 12, 14, 17, 23, 25, 26, 30, 38, 50, 54, 61, 64, 86, 101, 104, 132

roku (六) six | 116

Rostov, Pyotr Ilyich (“Petya”), character in a novel by Tolstoy (q.v.) raped by reality (q.v.) | 115

Rousseau, Henri Le Douanier, Sunday primitivist | 131

Roussel, Raymond, Pan-African neo-impressionist; his Comment j’ai écrit certains de mes livres is de rigueur | 15, 31, 140

Route de Dirna, Café de la, the Dirna Route Cafe (q.v.) in Owlstain; affectionately known to its habitué(e)s as “Indra Outré” and “Café des Traînardes Traîtreuses” | 72, 85, 95, 99, 105, 107, 110, 112, 116, 137

ṛtrailiṅga (ऋत्रैलिङ्ग) proper three-sexedness | 137

Rubens, Plautius Priapus, scholar, diplomat, artist, humanist; his Portrait depicting the truculent lechery Saturn devours depravedly his children with and other paintings may be admired in the Prado, Madrid | 145

Rublev, Andrei, Khazaro-Cumanian painter; his frescoes in the Telesterion in Yaroslavl representing the reunion of Demeter, Persephone, Dionysos et al. are particularly striking for their use of both Han and Egyptian blue as well as true ultramarine (i.e., lapis lazuli) | 141

Rudra, on one continent Loki (q.v.), on the other, Mixcōātl (q.v.); also Rudrani, his female aspect | 29, 110, 112

Rumex acetosa, sorrel | 48

rūpabeṭī (रूपबेटी) beautiful courtesan | 97

rupyakshestical, from rūpyakṣeṣa (रूप्यक्षेष) beautiful ophidian yakshistic | 67

ryakushita (掠した) to plunder, plundered | 63

ryōkan (量感) bulk, voluminousness, massiveness | 141

ryokōgyō no bōji (旅興行の房事) traveling sexshow | 97

ryōšin (良心) inwit, conscience | 100

ryūkeisha (流刑者) exile, deportee | 144

ryūkōokurena (流行遅れな) outmoded | 144

ryūnigiyakana (流賑やかな) fluidly bustling, unsettlingly lively | 145

śabimakriya (शबिमक्रिय) (of) the seven arts | 86

Sade, Anne-Marie-François de, pornographe | 50, 109, 127, 128, 129, 130, 132

sādhuṅga (साधुङ्ग) gently skillful | 127

Saliba, Gals, Intrussyan galoot from Gerdoransvidal (q.v.) | 112

Salix sepulcralis var. Chrysocoma, weeping willow | 55

samparćana (सम्पर्चन) coming together | 77

sampraćodita (सम्प्रचोदित) incited | 77

sampuṭaka (सम्पुटक) quidam coeundi modus cum amphidaeis coniunctis | 95

samutkaćaṃ pṛthuka (समुत्कचं पृथुक) flamboyant boy | 80

Sand, Hugh, androgynous author | 127

ṣaṇḍha (षण्ढ) eunuch — not in text.

saṅga (सङ्ग) cupidity | 131

Sapir, Benjamin, Dene-Caucasianist | 124

Saptha sp., tropical metalmark moth | 110

saralatā (सरलता) forthrightness | 137

sārarūpa (साररूप) most excellent, beautifully formed | 13

Sarcogyps calvus, red-headed vulture | 55

Sartori, Penvelum, doctor scrībendī, penname of William Wordsworth, experimental versifier of Old Albionia | 62

Sartre, Sœur Pauline Dorine, Slavo-Gallic hermetic author(ess), possibly one of Trober’s Nine Dampest Lays (q.v.); quotes from, allusions to his/her De la satisfaction de l’être satisfait, Le béat du grand néant béant, Повторение мать удовлетворения (Répétition, mère de la satisfaction), Соглядатай (Le voyeur), etc. | 26, 33, 38, 88

sarvaga (सर्वग) universal; sarvagan ταραχή, universal chaos | 123

Sas, Etore, anarchist ethnologist (AE); his Mode amorti du cycle politique parmi les peuples de la région des Trois Fleuves parallèles (Paris, L’Harmattan, 1993) | 25, 30, 38, 131

satsugai (殺害) sort of murder | 110

sāṭṭahāsa (साट्टहास) loudly laughing | 131

śauklya (शौक्ल्य) whiteness | 77

Sayre, Zelda, écrivaine d’Appalâche du Sud, auteure de romans socio-scientifiques (RSS) | 13, 106, 132

SCAT, Owlstain (the), a weekly founded 115 E. P. by Xavier (“Skid”) Slekton (q.v.), editor and publisher (EP); Mona Coltrane (q.v.), managing editor (ME); and Adam Trembart (q.v.), art director (AD) | 66, 70, 72, 95, 98, 102, 103, 106

Schlame, Gennifleur, one of Our Associative Faculty at ISOCPHYS (q.v.); co-author with Kiko Devi (q.v.) of Be(com)ing: The Resonance of Character (q.v.) | 127, 128, 130

“Schlaukopf im Spie(ge)lhaus : A clitalysis of the sociophysiology of mnemonoclasis, der,” D. I. Swopes, Journal of Sociophysiology 5(12), December 1996 | 108

Schaumaulisch, Celila, laywoman of independent means, co-author with Lucia Hals-Blauli (q.v.) of Polizia, Popoli, Pazienti (q.v.) | 115, 117, 121, 130, 132, 133

sea-cow, Anyakyusyaland (Rytiodus anyakyusius Müller, 1776) | 27, 40

sea-cow, Calypso’s (Rytiodus ogygianis Müller, 1776) | 90, 111

sea-cow, svelte yellow — see Spindly manatee.

Sedum lasiocarpum, stonecrop | 41

See, Lee, See Law’s older sister, Sunday (self-)portraitist currently based in Toeyl’s Welle, Glarus, Helvetica | 9, 10, 12, 18, 19, 23, 25, 30, 31, 35, 87, 88, 117, 122, 129, 130, 131, 132

seirō (青楼) putería, lupanar, maison verte | 125

sem' (семь) sept, seven | 117

σεμνοκόπος (semnokópos) hypocritical | 130

sensō (戦争) Krieg, war, война, yāōyōtl | 91

Servranckx, Victor (1897–1965), artist from Machelen | 86

seššu (摂取) intake, assimilation, absorption | 108

sestrinskiy (сестринский) sisterly | 117

Sexton, Dr. Maleaumé, professor of media studies, habituée of the Dirna Route Cafe (q.v.) in Owlstain | 72, 91, 95

Sextrap, Dr. Kim, pornocratic haruspectologist and habituée of the Dirna Route Café (q.v.) in Owlstain | 72, 91, 95

Shatsbrook, Appalachio-Flouzianian river dividing the Appalachik town of Shatsbrook from the Flouzianian ditto of Mastersheen (q.v.), which latter is known to the locals as La Tour du Pont (q.v.); see also the Shmeem (q.v.) | 9, 22, 33, 54, 61, 66, 67, 81, 82, 86, 90, 104, 133

shigure (時雨) autumnal drizzle | 137

shikenyo pakuncho no aware (試験夜ぱくんちょの哀れ) pathos of the evening sex-examination | 67

Shklovsky, V., Intrussyan critical literalist | 50

Shmeem River, the trackless mangrove-, reed-, and mimosa-choked swamp-region of the Upper Shatsbrook (q.v.) and Lower Mastersheen (q.v.) rivers | 133

shōinshin (小陰唇) labia minora | 131

shokufu (織布) woven fabric | 143

shōten [showten] (商店) shop | 137

shuruihōfu (種類豊富) multifarious | 144

Sibil — see Osmane-Sibilla Benissim.

Simone, jeune fille aux jolis, “trop tentants” nichons blancs et durs à la pointe rose; con aux poils doux “comme de la loutre” avec un petit bouton (Pierre Louÿs (q.v.), Jeunes Filles, coll. part.) | 128

σινέμωτα (sinémōta) themata plagiata, often insidiously inconspicuous | 81, passim.

šinmisen (新味腺) fresh glandular taste | 127

σίνομαι (sínomai) to plunder, rob, pillage, destroy, harass | 74

Siphonaria cookiana (Suter, 1909), a false limpet | 60

sirena (сирена) feta-like cheese made from the milk of the Euxinian siren (Ribotodon euxinus Lacépède, 1804) | 137

siren, papagayo, see Sherman’s siren.

siren, Sherman’s (Ribotodon epicoenus Sherman, 1920), epicene sirenian of coastal Wyoming known for its exuberant littoral leks; also known as hermaphroditic manatee and papagayo or teeming or gracile siren; see Herman S. Sherman, Notes on the mating habits of the “mermaids” of Port Astri Bay, Occasional Papers of the Wyoming Sirenological Society, Nº 109, 1920 | 5, 7, 21, 22, 36, 39, 40, 43, 87, 95

siren, teeming, see Sherman’s siren.

siren, Varuṇa’s iridescent (Ribotodon iridus Varuṇa, n.d.) | 64

siren, Yangtze (Ribotodon yangtzensis Lacépède, 1804) | 30

Siricidae, family of horntail wasps | 64

Sirin, V. K., Tsarist exile and author of Отчаяние (Otcháyanie, “La Méprise,” Paris, 1932), from which les exergues, Appalachified, of each of this SNE’s pods have been lifted; later established in Shatsbrook under the nom de guerre of Humbert Hubert, which see; allusion is made to his Zashchita Luzhina (Защита Лужина, La Course du fou, Paris, 1934); also širin (شیرین) sweet(ness), cute(ness), attractive(ness), pleasant(ness) | 50, 139, 141

Spinus spinus, siskin | 116, 140

śiśna ća aṇḍau (शिश्न च अण्डौ) cock and balls | 121

śiṣya (शिष्य) student | 105

sivodïy (сиводый) rough gray | 137

šiyūdōtai no biyō (雌雄同体の美容) the beauty of the hermaphrodite | 96

Skaði, the Norse Artemis | 39

Skinner, B. F., naturist, nurturist, humorist, undinist | 142, 143

skoshy, sukoshi (少し) smidgen | 119

skylo-sautrikāni (σκῠ́λο-सौत्रिकानि) skin-webs | 51

Skyphoseinsmoment (σκύφοseinsmoment) two-handled moment of being; may be used both literally, to refer to the viculum venerarium, and figuratively, to describe, e.g., a conniving or conspiratorial glance | 143, 144

Slekton, Xavier (“Skid”), co-founder, editor and publisher (EP) of the Owlstain SCAT (q.v.), a weekly | 95, 103

Slimane — see Salamis Slimani (?).

Slimani, Salamis [alias Slimane? — NdlR], late inmate of Steen’s Harem (q.v.) | 54, 61, 86, 104, 105, 107, 120, 127, 133

slivovica (slivovitz) plum brandy | 12, 92

sloe (Prunus spinosa), the wild plum or cravichon (q.v.), a fruit typically used in the evocative though equivocal term sloe-eyed; on the other hand, sloe gin (not in text) is just a fancy way of saying slivovitz (q.v.) | 30

ślokayena maghena (श्लोकयेन मघेन) in ślokic bounty | 144

Smala, Mlle. Sana — see Mutualité des Mesures Éditrices.

smara (स्मर) desire, love; smarakarman (स्मरकर्मन्) el arte de amar; smaraćakra (स्मरचक्र) wheel of love; smaracchattra (स्मरच्छत्त्र) love-button (clitoris); smarāndha (स्मरान्ध) infatuated, blinded by love; smarāsava (स्मरासव) love-liquid; smara pramūḍha (स्मर प्रमूढ) unconscious desire, perplexed love; smaravaśi (स्मरवशि) wanting-to-get-it-on; smarāvatāra (स्मरावतार) instar of love; smārita (स्मारित) recalled; smaropakaraṇa (स्मरोपकरण) implement of love; smarotsu (स्मरोत्सु) lovingly desirous, pining; smārta (स्मार्त) memory; smārtakarman (स्मार्तकर्मन्) el arte de recordar; smṛtiretas (स्मृतिरेतस्) memory-seed; smṛti (स्मृति) Mnemosyne (q.v.); hence, aposmritiphatic; a propos, the cognate dual Helleno-Phoenician concept of memory-desire in, e.g., μνηστήρ (mnēstēr) ‘wooing, remembering’, and so on, should be borne in mind and searched for accordingly | 2, 16, 27, 28, 35, 36, 53, 68, 74, 76, 80, 81, 83, 86, 97, 104, 108, 110, 115, 124, 125, 127, 130, 140

σμερδαλέος (smerdaléos) terrible, effrayant | 41, 104

Smerinthus ocellatus, the eyed hawkmoth | 122

σμήρισματῐκός (smḗrismatikos) siphon-tubed | 104

SMEM, the Smart-Minkowski Experimental Method — see Minkowski-Smart Experimental Method.

Smersampt, Ms. Petra, see Ms. Petra Smerstamp(f[ig]).

Smerstamp(f[ig]), Ms. Petra, gynognostic sibyl of Hetairotopia in Shatsbrook (q.v.) and Mastersheen (q.v.) | 43, 51, 52, 54, 66, 81, 86, 88, 93, 100, 101, 104, 107, 110, 112, 116, 120, 123, 124, 131, 132, 384, 466

SNE, Sáanii Nádleeh E‘eł‘iinii (Sororidad Niépceana de Epicenos); Sämtliche Niederschriftlicher Entassements; Satyr-Nymph Enchantments or Enjambments; select Stoats, native Nutria, endemic Eyra; Socraticists of Norlian Extraction; Schizomythic Nature de l’Épistémè ou de l’Expérience; Schizomythic Narrative of Exile (oder Entfremdung); Sodality of Norlian Experimentalists; Somatic Nudibranchiate Entelechy; Syndicat National d’Éditeurs | 35, 45, 58, 68, 101, 107, 109, 134, 136, 141, passim.

sora indōtokuteki (空淫道徳的) lit. ‘sky of way of licentiousness’; said of the night sky during the full moon when passions run high and free | 141

Soréa, Najasistrastnïy, Nubo-Chaldean sorcerer, witch doctor of repute, quêteur de palier, péteur d’escalier | 34, 35, 40, 50, 53, 55, 62, 63, 67, 83, 90, 100, 108, 112, 113, 125, 131, 141

Soréa, Soraya, notre madame esthéticienne propriétaire, grosse nonnain de coiffeuse (ustricula), petite bourgeoise babillarde, mamelue maman métaplasmique (her bouncing enfant never far from its teat) | 12, 17, 33, 35, 38, 40, 50, 53, 67, 113, 115, 125, 131, 141

Sorea, Yosef Ivanovich, Neocaesarean sirenologist | 40, 44, 50, 53

Spergularia salina, salt sandspurry, a fetid plant of the littoral | 116

Spicara sp., an unidentified picarel | 92

Spiro, Louisa, Parisian interjectionist; her works include Oui, sapristi!, Bah, diantre!, Putain, putain!, Mince, alors!, and Saperlipopette, ma polissonne! | 140

Spitmarkx, Mount, the “Mount Meru of Fukariland” | 68

Spitmarkx, Simon Etamin (Ruhr-Lülnrar, 1798 – Ruhr-Lülnrar, 1869), ontonatatologist, proto-senimalist, lexical ecologist avant la lettre, autonomous author of Die Welt als Schwimmen und Schweben (1824, hereinafter WSS), Fahrt nach Fukariland (1841, FNF), Luftig-pfeilschriftige Abbildungen (1848, LPA, reprinted the same year as Lufttoxophiloschriftabbildung [LTPA]), Das Wachstum als Schwung und Schwund (1859, WSS), all published, unless noted otherwise, in SES’s village de naissance, LPA being recently put out in Paris in a triple translexification by the hand of none other than OA (q.v.) in the Winter 1996–1997 issue of The Meaner Side (q.v.) | 1, 3, 5, 14, 16, 34, 35, 46, 61, 62, 68, 69, 70, 72, 73, 74, 82, 86, 93, 94, 95, 97, 104, 112, 115, 116, 123, 124, 130, 132, 135

Spix, Mrs. Kruskorgia and Mr. Thattharva Edgor, joint proctors of rhetorical kallistheniks at Steen’s Harem (q.v.) | 86

Spohr, Max, homosexual bookseller and publisher of Jahrbuch für sexuelle Zwischenstufen | 73

spravlos (справlos) unjust, uninformed | 117

Šprot, Mårisù, meretricious cashier encountered by the author in the Pochothèque Publique de Paris (q.v.) | 115, 124

śramaṇa (श्रमण) seeker of sacred knowledge | 131

śreyāreavadya (श्रेयारेअवद्य) blissfully innocent | 127

śṛṅgakaopoṭa (शृङ्गकओपोट) horny hermaphrodite | 102

śrutakāma (श्रुतकाम) desirous of sacred knowledge; also śrutakarma (श्रुतकर्म) maker, doer, performer, giver of sacred knowledge | 131

Steen, Asher Cornelis (“Cees”), affectionately known as Mr. Erastes; hetairotopianist and administerer of singer of ataractic cunariae | 43, 95, 101, 107, 120, 123, 125, 126, 131, 132

Steen, Jan, Dutch genre painter (not to be confused with the hetairotopianist above); his “Maid Plying Revelers with Drink at an Inn” (1668, Louvre) is alluded to | 121

Steen’s Harem, hetairotopian enclave of Appalachia, founded by Ms. Petra Smerstamp(f[ig]) (q.v.) and M. Asher Cornelis (“Cees”) Steen in the Château de Pont-Chaponchat (q.v.); see also the novel of the same name by Marten Hesse (q.v.) | 16, 27, 43, 46, 54, 73, 86, 90, 100, 101, 104, 107, 120, 123, 125, 127, 131, 132, 133

Stein, Gertrude, Appalachik, Tsarist, Dadaist, last seen at 16, rue du Prose (sic), XXème, Lutèce, Gallo-Romania, Afreurasia | 90, 134

στερεοπηκτός (stereopēktos) firmly fixed | 144

Stevens, Wilfredo, Luso-Appalachik poet, cousin of Cees Steen (q.v.) | 108

sthūlaśarīra (स्थूलशरीर) gross frame, endoderm | 110

stol (стол) section; also stolb (столб) pillar | 117

Stössel, G. (1867–1943), violin builder from Cologne; his short-necked lute with sympathetic strings, its eerie syncopations | 30

στράγξ (stránx) strangulated drop | 104

strastïy (страстый) impassioned | 103

stravatïy (страватый) scarily effortful | 132

Stresemann 929, Pelikan — (b)lithe textworker’s tool; retiarian wordist’s weapon; gold-nibbed Dichter’s device; vermiculated écrivassier’s instrument; recherché karmakāraka’s karaṇa; intrépide, pavanée, polypropertied, ptychodaptéride pet de poet’s plume à biréfringence | 7, 15, 28, 40, 46, 57, 60, 63, 64, 71, 81, 83, 84, 90, 91, 93, 97, 99, 103, 104, 105, 107, 112, 116, 117, 121, 124, 128, 130, 131, 133, 134, 141

Strickland, M. S. — see M. S. Litarn.

strīpuṃsa (स्त्रीपुंस) hermaphrodite | 103, 125, 142

struba (струба) clinch, clamp, constraint; hence, налюблений струба (naliubleniy struba) loving clinch, clamp of love | 112

Submarinero, Pedro L., literarily inveterate macropneumonic habitué of our author’s fimbriate sublittoral | 18, 26, 33, 34, 38, 62, 64, 83, 87, 88, 90, 91, 96, 100, 112, 120, 131, 141, 145

Sucettṛ (सुचेत्तृ) ‘She who is Manifold’ | 13

sudāghnāna (सुदाघ्नान) innocently anabatic, munificently outspread, harmlessly raptorial | 127

sudogha (सुदोघ) bountiful | 105

Sue, E., author of Les mystères de Paris | 18

sugoi (すごい) remarkable, amazing, marvelous, fearsome | 138

śuka (शुक) parrot (q.v.) | 81

Śukadeva (शुकदेव) ‘Parrot (q.v.) God’ | 81

śukajihvā (शुकजिह्वा) parrot (q.v.)-tongue | 81

śukānasikā (शुकानसिका) parrot (q.v.)-faced woman | 81

sukanyā (सुकन्या) beautiful girl | 119

śukarūpāvatāra (शुकरूपावतार) parrot (q.v.)-bodied incarnation | 81

sukaṭi (सुकटि) pretty ass, beautiful rump | 131

Śukra (शुक्र) ‘Resplendent One’ (Venus) | 13

śukrāḥ bhāvasya (शुक्राः भावस्य) seed of being, cosmic spunk, venereal être | 110

śukradughna (शुक्रदुघ्न) emittens ichora amoris limpidum praeiaculatoriam analgeti | 127

śukryazh (शुक्र्யாழ்) somatic harp | 136

sūkṣmaśarīra (सूक्ष्मशरीर) subtile frame, ectoderm | 110

sumi (墨) squid ink | 105

σῠμπόσῐος (sumpósios) convivial, jolly | 140

Sunira erusina Guenée, 1852, the beautiful bedraggled erubescent cutworm, a Noctuid | 49, 551

supuṣpa (सुपुष्प) lit. ‘good flower’, i.e., menstruation; Clitoria ternatea (q.v.); see also puṣpa (q.v.) | 141

Suraní, Nirusa, native girl-child of Isla Miranda's noble aquamarine (suraní) caste, our author’s (q.v.) sister’s (q.v.) future, former, and present sweetheart, depending one’s perspective; inmate, possibly of Steen’s Harem (q.v.) | 54, 61, 63, 64, 86, 132, 134, 137

suratajaṅgala (सुरतजङ्गल) amorous forest, jungle of love | 102

Suši, Isora (寿司依空) transawakalational playwright originally from Kanazawa, Ishikawa, now residing in Erehwon, Appalachia; Simoun, her most well-known transawakalationist histrionnery, is set in the latter | 140

suvarćaska (सुवर्चस्क) splendid, brilliant | 91

svadhāvinda (स्वधाविन्द) spontaneously given, serendipitously taken | 121

svoistvennïy (свойственный) peculiar | 15

śyāmatva (श्यामत्व) blackness | 77

Syncarpia glomulifera (Sm.) Nied., 1893, the Antipodean turpentine tree, its tangy, tingly, bead-like odor | 4

Syringodium norliana Kütz., 1860, Norlian wire weed | 40

Syrinx, a nymph | 135

Σωὂρὲς, Ὀῖλεος (Swopes, Oileos [sic]), our author’s lamented putative oinokapelian and possibly late πᾰτήρ (father, author, sire) | 42, 79, 111, 120

Tadorna tadorna, the common shelduck | 110

Taiyō (太陽~大洋) Sun~Ocean | 95

takusan [takzan] (沢山) many | 137

talatalan, mysterious | 117

Taloche, La Tata — see Mrs. Fodorova née Prato de Momiji.

Talpox, Vanessa, Lutesian night-monkey and matinal soubrette educated in Antwerp and originally from Dour or Dourbes | 116, 121, 128, 130, 133

tamanegi (玉ねぎ) onion | 103

tantralekhakapramāda (तन्त्रलेखकप्रमाद) promiscuous textual trouble | 15

tanuhrada (तनुह्रद) anus | 127

tarashikomi (垂らし込み) drop-by-drop (painting technique) | 132

Taricha sp., toxic newt | 78

Tarski, Ms. Xenia Elangini, professor of geometrical chorology at Steen’s Harem (q.v.) | 86, 91

Tartis, Dr. Tysin B., aka Tritoris Tartışmanin, aka Dr. Tarnished Matin — our author’s bastard baritone uncle from Lyon(s) | 3, 83, 84, 90, 93, 111, 122, 124, 125, 131, 136

taruno (垂野) ‘hidden flux-plug’, i.e., tampon | 141

tathārtha (तथार्थ) — see Realia.

Taxus wallichiana L., the mellow yew | 30

tawanita (垰似た) ultramontane, upcountry | 127

Taylor, J., convivial belle-lettrist of yore | 50

TBS, Tiliar Boarding School, a select boarding institution and bisexual academy in Tixpu, alto barrio of Agua Prieta (q.v.) | 9, 29, 49, 55, 90, 91, 112, 137, 141, 142

tebel, tevel (תֵּבֵל) world, universe, perversion, spice | 125

Teece, Ida, habituée of the Dirna Route Cafe (q.v.) | 72, 91, 95

Teflonnikov, Pavl, sthenotranseroticist, author of Principles of Sthenotranserotics | 142, 143

Tehilim (תְהִלִּים) a collection of poems | 144

temečigai (手目違い) lit. ‘deception-difference,’ i.e., altarity, altarities, altarian | 129

tendō, tendoh, tendou (天童, 天堂, 顛倒) cognitive distortion involving (the memory of) heavenly cherubs [i.e., deceased children, aborted fetuses, etc.] | 105

teōpochotl, axis mundi, cosmic (or world) tree, whose earthly form is the kapok (Ceiba sp.) and whose hyperboreal form is the Yggdrasil (q.v.) | 71

Terapus secretae De Mestrie, 1844, a terraqueous histerid beetle | 23

Termitidae, the higher termite family | 130

tesuri blǫdnya (手摺 блѫдьнꙗ) salacious handrail | 31

Tǝvilah (טְבִילָה, cognate with devil, devi, tēvil [தேவில், ‘temple, sacred’], and so on) Goddess of Immersion | 120

Tlaatlata, hypersexual gynandromorphic trickster of Eastern Tetrastica whose clown-societal evolution attains a series of climaxes along the Sihlaucal Coast of Wyoming and Flouziana culminating in the Huerta-Fukakarian free-for-all in the Far Gimmals (q.v.) despite the cult’s apparent historical origin further inland among the Mountain Fukari of Iagip and Iaqip, twin sources of the eponymous polychrome antlion-silk chilkat-like huipiltin traded far and wide throughout the region in question and even beyond, so much so that it seems to have become, e.g., the de rigueur raiment of the street minstrels of Lutèce; see also Arjuna (q.v.), Futanari (q.v.), Huēhuecoyōtl (q.v.), Mādorūbagam (q.v.), Naranārī (q.v.), Odysseus (q.v.), und so weiter | 70, 73, 98, 108, 120, 125, 128

TLex, Translexicalia, an organ of ISOCPHYS (q.v.) put out by ILE (q.v.) | 15, 132

TLS, The London Suburbs, see JTLS.

tobikiri (とびきり) exceptional | 141

Tolstoy, Ivan, podgy-bottomed Tsarist mirificist | 12, 115

tomaseni (苫維) Tetrastic reed mat for outdoor use | 65, 74, 81, 85, 105, 107

tomerō (留女臈) courtesan, aristocratic lady | 85

tomesode (留袖) short-sleeve kimono for (semi-)formal and/or everyday use | 74, 105

tonikaku (とにかく) undeniably | 105

topcan [tobdjan], lit. ‘ball-being,’ i.e., monad | 110

topçan [topčan], lit. ‘ball-bell,’ i.e., grelot | 110

Toreindringen, Frau — sea Realia.

Torōshaburu, Antonio, from torōshaburu (徒労しゃぶる) lit. ‘futility-licker’; see also Sri Tony Miwa (q.v.) | 131, 133

Torreb — see Borret.

Tour du Pont, La, neighborhood vicinal to the bridge connecting the Appalachian and Flouzianian banks of the Mastersheen-Shatsbrook (or Shmeem [q.v.]) River; the eponymous orphanage located there is not so subtly masked, in Marten Hesse’s Steen’s Harem (q.v.), as “Le Château de Pont-Chaponchat” (q.v.) | 22, 61

Trachyspermum ammi, ōmam (ஓமம்), ajwain | 41

Tradine Oru, tontine tirelyrique | 72, 85, 95, 105, 112, 116, 137

traiguṇika (त्रैगुणिक) three-pronged, triply modal, triplectically threaded; triguṇa (त्रिगुण) three-fold, three-stringed | 78, 104

TRE, the Texian Revista of Elevenses | 72

Trebor, R., composer of syncopated ars subtilior | 18, 22, 23

Tremapexus oenonii, Oenone’s hole-comb, an amphiboloid | 75, 109

Trembart, Adam, tintonian voyeur certified by ISOCPHYS (q.v.), artistic director (AD) and co-founder of the Owlstain SCAT (q.v.) | 66, 68, 70, 88, 91, 97, 101, 103, 127

Trembart, Tara, one of Our Associative Faculty at ISOCPHYS (q.v.), spouse of AT (q.v.), anthropozoopraxiscoprological fabricatrix of sociophysiological spectacle each exemplar of which must bear the proprietary sigil, “A Tara T. Dirty™”) | 97, 111, 127

Trionychid spp. of Kashyapa turtles | 63

Trober, Robert dit “El Tortuga,” nom d’appoint of Bror-te Etrorb (q.v.), formerly of the Gerdoransvidbalskola in Gertrude, Wyo., lately of the Appalachian Mental Institution (ret’d.), alias Robert Robert, Hubert Humbert, Lampert Lambert, and so on; polymathic hebephile and painter of seascapes and intimate interiors portraying pubescent orphans in dreamily undraped poses; sociophysiologist à ses heures, translexicalist otherwise, and heteronimiacal author of My Nine Dampest Lays Innately Spasmed, Hebe y Láquesis, Und So Weiter, as well as a not infrequently specially invited co-guest-lectuer at ISOCPHYS (q.v.) | 9, 10, 12, 16, 19, 21, 22, 23, 54, 88, 90, 99, 105, 112, 127, 128, 130, 131, 132, 136, 137, 142, 143, 144

Trogonoptera brookiana Wallace, 1855, Rajah Brooke’s birdwing, a papilionid | 60

tsadík (צַדִּיק) righteous | 135

tsuyu (梅雨) rainy season | 137

Tuerlinckx, Louis Benoit Antoine (Mechelen, 1820 – Bruxelles, 1894), Flemish portraitist and genre painter; works include scenes of Walloon nounous admiring bare-bottomed nourrissons in bassinets, kitchen maids épluchant des chous, etc. | 95

tuhý-dlouhý, long and stiff | 135

Tulostoma, genus of stalked puffballs | 117

Turbo, Mike, one of Our Founding Faculty at ISOCPHYS (q.v.) | 124, 143

Two, Teresa de — see Teresa van Deux.

Tyler, Ann, hetairotopian auteure | 132

Tymnes, genus of leaf beetle | 121

tyomnïy (тёмный) obscure | 116

“Über die zukünftige Soziophysiologie,” by G. P. Zeliony (q.v.), in Archiv für Rassen- und Gesellschafts-Biologie, Tome 9, Heft 4, pp. 405–429, July-August 1912, “As read before the St. Petersburg Philosophical Society on March 19, 1909.” — founding text of sociophysiology | 100

učonïy (учёный) scholarly, erudite; uchonptashnïy (учёнпташный) vogelfreier Wissenschaftlicher, folichon pantologist | 116, 124

udghāṭana (उद्घाटन) opening, aperture | 128

Udidi (Hamiltonian), Dado, one of Our Associative Faculty at ISOCPHYS (q.v.) | 92

ukiyo (浮世) fleeting life, floating world | 17, 104, 105

Ulmus adelissima L., stately elms, Ulmen, olmos | 3, 24, 31

Ulmus simplex L., simple elms | 19

Ulysses — see Odysseus.

Ulysses, a novel by James Joyce (q.v.) | 119

umai (うまい) poisson-richly delicious | 140

umnïy (умный) clever | 134

upakrīḍā (उपक्रीडा) playground | 64

ὑπάρκχῶρος (hyparkchōros) effective space | 119

upasthaka (उपस्थक) membrum virile | 128

Uroctonus exopremae L., the spouting scorpion of Eurasia, a buthido-chactid bothriurian | 4, 109

Urrur-Rull, Harrun, husky virile unadventurous Hurro-Urartian factotum | 31, 125

Urtica dioica L., common nettle | 18

Uṣas (उषस्) ‘Dawn,’ Ἠώς (Ēōs, Eos) | 5, 16, 47, 135

usuao (薄青) pale blue | 105

utsargapaddhati vyabhićārinī (उत्सर्गपद्धति व्यभिचारिनी) path of deviant emission | 110

utsava (उत्सव) fête, noce | 128

uttarāhśundhyū (उत्तराह्शुन्ध्यू) northernly radiant | 117

uttarakāmākhyatantra (उत्तरकामाख्यतन्त्र) loom of exquisite delectation | 142

uyume (有夢) existence-dream | 136

Valckx, Pieter (1734–1785), sculptor from Mechelen | 86

valgava (वल्गव) handsome, attractive, beautiful | 92

Vanbrugh, John, architect, playwright, his Relapse, Or, Virtue in Danger, as well as The Provocative Wife, alluded to and quoted from | 135

Varanasi — see Benares.

védomïy (ве́домый) familiar, deliberate, conscious | 79

Venturi, Premolas, his “Pleroma,” including plagiaries thereof by so-called “reality” | 53, 62, 76, 103

Verfasser, Dein — see DV.

Verlaine, G.-P., poëte maudit | 22, 69, 88, 90, 114, 116

Verne, Jules, maritime historian whose works include of En avant le capitaine Nemo, Vingt mille ans du blanc de baleine, und so weiter | 18, 41, 50, 104

veśyastrī [veshyastree] (वेश्यस्त्री) venomous tribadic virago | 42

veṣṭanaka (वेष्टनक) quidam coeundi modus spinthriax | 95

veṣṭanaveṣṭaka (वेष्टनवेष्टक) quidam coeundi modus spinthriactivus | 95

Vice-Versa, Appalacho-Flouzianian monthly put out monthly in Owlstain | 102

Vicq-d’Azyr, Félix, Parisian homologist and ancestor of Bernard Vighdan (q.v.) after whom a plethora of rues, gares, boulevards, avenues, parcs, etc. throughout the Flouzo-Gallic realm are named | 97

viḍambana (विडम्बन) plagiaristic | 127

vidīrṇāsana (विदीर्णासन) culo lacero | 29

vidnïy (видный) portly | 100

vïdrásnïy (выдрасный) otter-like | 21

Vighdan, Bernard, one of Our Founding Faculty at ISOCPHYS (q.v.) | 100, 127, 128, 131, 143

Vila-Matas, Henri, critical literalist of Catalunya | 103, 104

vipaṇa (विपण) marketplace | 103

virūp’ darśanogokula (विरूप् दर्शनोगोकुल) sagrada monstruosidad del encantador ganado mí(s)tico | 102

vishṭi [viṣṭi] (विष्टि) compulsorily rotating, alternately de rigueur | 137

Vismes, Alphonse-Donatien de, philosophe libertin, pornographe musical, pédogoguéraste | 107

visraka [wisraka] (विस्रक) smelling of raw meat, musty; visrakaskanda (विस्रकस्कन्द) meat-imbued discharge, lochia rubra | 67, 128

vliyatel'nïy (влиятельный) influential | 117

Voilà, Pythonisse!, brand of medicated lozenges made popular by Odilon Redon (q.v.) | 90

voyna (война) guerre, sensō (戦争), yāōyōtl | 91

vpečatlibalnïy (впечатлибальный) impressive | 125

vpleteniyat (вплетеният) entangled | 125

vṛṣatas (वृषतस्) bravely, manfully | 115

vṛttāntaguṇa (वृत्तान्तगुण), a globulus interactivus (GI) containing within itself an essential or basic node or monad or entelechy of interaction as well as the the wave or wake therefrom capable of propagating in all directions | 123

vtlačit, to push into | 135

Vue, M. Gille — see Mutualité des Mesures Éditrices.

Vuykian azalea, variety of Dutch Rhododendron sp. | 55

vyāhata (व्याहत) désolé(e) | 64

vblapf, idiocratic concatenation of farkakte (פֿאַרקאַקטע), farblondzhet (פֿאַרבלאָנדזשעט‎), and farklemt (פֿאַרקלעמט) | 136

vypatlanec, cretin | 136

výprask, spanking | 136

vzaimnïy (взаимный) mutual, reciprocal | 116

wafūwagitō (わふうはぎとう) elided form of wafū no fuwafuwa fuwa wa wagimo mo gitogito gitō (わふう の ふわふわ ふわ は わぎも も ぎとぎと ぎとう) “Japanese-style (or light breeze[?]) of the soft agon, gently, gently, my wife, again and again the greasy sword (or play fight[?])” | 127

Wallis, Brian von Woetsel O’, alias Ceann-na-Cloinne Peatman, homme cymrique de lettres réactionnaire et obscur currently residing in Toeyl’s Welle, Glarus, Helvetica | 10, 30, 103, 129

Wallis, Llywelyn O’, Welsh seaman | 9, 129

Warburg, Aby, alienated codicologist who happily recalled in later years the happy neighbors he recalled haply rubbing elbows with in the stacks and reading room of the Ksar Pexmits Library (q.v.) | 68

Weaver, John, dancing master, his Anatomical and mechanical lectures upon dancing. Wherein rules and institutions for that art are laid down and demonstrated. As they were read at the Academy in Chancery Lane. London: 1721. | 137

Weber, M., socio-ichthyologist, his apparatus | 41

Wedensky, Y. N., author of Die Erregung, Hemmung und Narkose (Bonn, 1904), also cited as Y. Wendensky, author of “Techniques pour assouplir anomalies urétro-rénaux,” J. Urol. Appal., 1912, vol. 8, and inventor of the Wendensky Zugzwangsgerät, a sociophysiological device | 40

Weigelia yunnanensis, Yunnanese honeysuckle | 129

Welles, Otley, Teuto-Lexican (Ibero-Saxonic) author from South Texas whose works include the Ameisenroman, Solle y Welte (translexicated into Anglo-Appalachik as An Experiment in Autobiography) | 12, 16, 18, 30, 104, 132

West, M. J., Appalachian vaudevillian | 4

Wilbeck, Jules-Oscar Amédée de — see Barbey d’Aurevilly.

Wilde, Oscar, Sassenach satirist, his novel, his tomb, as well as an aphorism attributed to; see also Sebastian Melmoth | 87, 114

Willis, circle of, a homunculoid anastomosis of cerebro-arterial circulation wherein the beast’s lower tentacles may, in technical terms, be observed to be straddlingly grappling athwart the intimate enjambment of cerebrum and cerebellum, whilst the homunculus’s macrocephalic testa surrounds, like a pole-prancing daisy-chain of willowy nymphs, the hypophysis’s cyclopean turgescence | 82

Wittgenstein, Søren,, transexistentialist whose entire œuvre has subsequently been found to be truffées de plagiats via É.-A. Herzen (q.v.) of S. E. Spitmarkx (q.v.) | 69, 124

wixiʔ, many | 137

Wodehouse, Sir P. Smith, spouse of the author of Fragments of a statement of idealism, The idealist and the intuitionist, The logic of will, The presentation of reality (q.v.), and so on | 96

Woolf, Nadine Virginia Stephen, dite “La Noyeuse”; turbulent exponent of literary turbidity; her Mrs. Dalloway is alluded to | 134, 139

Wotan — see Odin.

Wurmbrand-Stuppach, Adelaide von, dite Adelma von Vay, parodic mesmerist, her Geist, Kraft, Stoff (Duh, sila, snov) | 114

wymiotarz, vomiter | 111

Xaim wa Hamkoroth (חיים ו המקורות) Glandes Vitae (“Sources of Life”) by Ibn Gabirol (q.v.) | 67

xamir (хамир, خمیر) moose milk | 67

Xenopatrus oestrobolitinus L., the coprophiliac gadmoth, a gelechioid | 33, 109

Xenophon, ancient author; his prolix divastigatory Anabasis is alluded to | 128

Xenopus arathuseanus, the Arathu clawed frog | 74

Xeromantispa scabrosa, a mantisfly | 104

Xeropenaeus motyensis, Sicilian sandbox prawn | 109

Xiphosura spp., promiscuous chelicerates of the littoral | 86, 137

xiuhtōtōtl, lovely cotinga (Cotinga amabilis Gould, 1857) | 110

xudoy (худой) slight, torn, worn | 111

Xuriella sp., beetle-mimicking saltacid | 107

Xymenopsis buccineus Lamarck, 1816, a muricid sea snail | 135

ξυνιστάμενον (xynistamenon) the reiterative phenomenon of being reduplicatedly joined together; also ξυνιστάμενοστικός (xynistamenostikos) the adjectival form thereof | 135

Yab(h)u, Huerta-Fukari deus coitus; cognate with yabh, yābha (यभ्, याभ) futuere, coitus | 125

yakyūken (野球拳) strip mushiken (虫拳, q.v.) | 143

yáng (陽), yīn (陰, yoni योनि), yūn (奫) ontogenetical processes and appendages | 40, 44, 45, 47, 51, 82, 85, 101, 111, 123, 134, 136

yāōyōtl, Krieg, sensō (戦争), война, guerre | 91

yarïc (ярык? ярыц? ярыч?) crack, cleft, fissure | 97

yasumi (休み) riposo, break, recess, rest, vacation | 142

Yatagan trifoliatus L., the three-lobed yataghan, an oleaceous jasminoid | 113

yatibhraṣṭaka (यतिभ्रष्टक) incontinence | 122

yawnïy (явный) visible | 89

yāzuǐqì (鴨嘴器) speculum | 132

Yellow Steel, Athena, Siuslaw matriarch | 9, 129

Yellow Steel, Leetle Sly Owl Woman, Cymro-Siuslawian boutadeuse | 9, 129

Yellow Steel, Wallis, Cymro-Siuslawian sirenologist | 9, 21, 27, 30, 64, 87, 129, 137

Yenakha, the universal busybody; see also Realia (q.v.) | 144

Yersin, O. A., Flouzianian littoralist originally from Neocaesarea | 40, 44, 50, 53

Yggdrasil, the hyperborean teōpochotl (q.v.) | 71, 120

yonimithunīkārya (योनिमिथुनीकार्य) cum cunno copulatio facta | 137

yonistrīsaṃbandha (योनिस्त्रीसंबन्ध) vulval womaninity | 125

yonivārtikka nyaṅga (योनिवार्तिक्क न्यङ्ग) yoni-skilled insinuations | 88

Ysbaddaden Bencawr, legendary giant of ancient Cambria | 87

yubaritsubo (尿壺) chamber pot | 125

yubintekuda (指ん手管) finger-licking aficionado of common whores | 125

yuen-yuetsu (¿油煙愉悦? ¿由縁愉悦? ¿所以愉悦?) sooty joy? affinity joy? modus operandi joy? | 67

yurraamu, ‘rum’ | 90

yuvānaka (युवानक) young | 137

yùyùcōngcōng (鬱鬱蔥蔥) lush and luxuriant | 134

yuzuru (譲る) cede, yield | 125

zapíska (запи́ска) memo, brief report | 78

zāniya (زَانِيَة) fornicatrix | 67

zardevšiy (зардевший) blushingly engorged, strangulatedly rubicund | 132

záyin asúr (זַיִן אָסוּר) Schwanz verboten, bite interdite, mentula ligata | 106

Zdrok, Sor Zyehana, pornocrat | 131

Zeliony, G. P., also cited as Séleny, Seliony, Szeleny, Zéliony, Zeleny, Zélény, und so weiter; early divastigator of schizogeny, grandfather of sociophysiology, and inventor of the field’s associative Wundausschneidungsprozess | 4, 17, 35, 40, 78, 90, 100, 119, 125, 132, 143, 145

zelo (зело) tant, beaucoup | 90

zlavonïy (зловоный) fetid | 137

zlurod (злурод) schadenfroh | 132

zorlu (зорлу) strong-willed, troublesome | 90

Zpevnyt’s colle — see ῥίζοφύρον.

[ A not-for-profit instantiation of human imagination and human labor. ]
Copyright © 1996–2021 Michael Sean Strickland