Editions MSS
Editions MSS
Words to Make a Story Out of

A schizomythic narrative of exile (SNE)

κακὸν δ᾽ ἀνεμώλια βάζειν

First Pod
If I were not perfectly sure of my power to write and of my marvelous ability to express ideas with the utmost grace and vividness...

1º edition pdf [1.2 mb] | Revised edition pdf [8.8 mb].

§ 1. Glom | § 2. Glebe | § 3. La Cuna | § 4. Oracle | § 5. Medoi | § 6. IPSI | § 7. ILE | § 8. PI | § 9. See Law | § 10. Intense | § 11. S | § 12. Sorea Est | § 13. Lares | § 14. Selsyn | § 15. Alien | § 16. Accelerate | § 17. Doe | § 18. Dos Péru | § 19. Ebeyl | § 20. Ecadence | § 21. Niter | § 22. Etrorb | § 23. Restare | § 24. Bucolic | § 25. Lee See | § 26. Enlisted Man’s Pay | § 27. D’Laumes | § 28. Modem ratio | § 29. AE | § 30. Yellow Steel | § 31. Unread | § 32. Unwholy | § 33. Ears | § 34. Run | § 35. Readorns | § 36. Unnerve | § 37. Rue | § 38. Rut | § 39. En WY | § 40. Yerisoa | § 41. Ammine | § 42. Isla M | § 43. Neemom | § 44. Man he’s terse | § 45. Minus | § 46. Shacks | § 47. ON | § 48. Oteose | § 49. Nirusa | § 50. Ideorhesaleotia | § 51. Oprah | § 52. Asset | § 53. Norlia | § 54. Tampers | § 55. Urvysc | § 56. Timorous | § 57. TAN | § 58. SNE | § 59. Okiao | § 60. IS | § 61. Masse | § 62. S | § 63. ASSN | § 64. Heat.
Second Pod
I have grown much too used to an outside view of myself, being both painter and model, so no wonder my style is denied the blessed grace of spontaneity.
§ 65. Venerates | § 66. Vicarage | § 67. Eros | § 68. Nines | § 69. Exile | § 70. Redistemperates | § 71. As | § 72. Tradine Oru | § 73. Embittered I ate | § 74. Sinemota | § 75. Cramp | § 76. CAR | § 77. R | § 78. AD | § 79. Mood | § 80. Pe-word | § 81. Irixe, Sr. Miwa | § 82. Womaninity | § 83. Doe | § 84. Conid | § 85. Abnorm | § 86. MRK | § 87. OW | § 88. Aseli | § 89. Diem | § 90. Redo | § 91. Exodus | § 92. R | § 93. S. E. Spitmarkx | § 94. PI | § 95. Recedeatism | § 96. R | § 97. AT | § 98. Toxophile | § 99. Tintone | § 100. Old | § 101. Lesbianism | § 102. GO | § 103. ME | § 104. Mes | § 105. Eeticade | § 106. AO | § 107. Extemporaneous | § 108. Topchan | § 109. Pox | § 110. Oospore | § 111. ID | § 112. SBI | § 113. Innater | § 114. PPP | § 115. Posts | § 116. Exudate | § 117. Atlas’s | § 118. IN | § 119. Ohcer | § 120. Elate | § 121. Ityalian | § 122. Lance | § 123. Igwee | § 124. Sihlaucal | § 125. Ulna | § 126. CACA | § 127. Tagna | § 128. Tlaatlata | § 129. Inwit | § 130. Sentences ascèse | § 131. AH | § 132. Esaa | § 133. Shmeem R.
Third Pod
How shall we begin this chapter? I offer several variations to choose from.
§ 134. Parsimonious | § 135. Prominent | § 136. Aetio-equineness | § 137. Rain | § 138. Sloimčik | § 139. I’m so... | § 140. M | § 141. ON | § 142. Novels? Really now! | § 143. Inexplicable | § 144. Œnyutuyliium | § 145. Ur | § 146. Sashay | § 147. TO | § 148. Tear off her skirt | § 149. Osier | § 150. Realm | § 151. None rates | § 152. Trouves it | § 153. Otiose | § 154. Entails ruby do | § 155. Ven | § 156. Srai | § 157. Minion sexy whore | § 158. Subborainizy | § 159. Wyoming | § 160. Io | § 161. M | § 162. Tulpuyauor | § 163. Nelc pabsl toyvf | § 164. Lusterine | § 165. Playtoy | § 166. Equilibrium | § 167. EFO | § 168. Orgyoygro | § 169. Nuskalo ecyi pshr | § 170. Promised | § 171. Tit | § 172. Ysraaln rieg | § 173. Neutral bigotry | § 174. Unders | § 175. Bernouilli | § 176. Bantu | § 177. M | § 178. SO | § 179. Ani Dybn Yeud Ikky | § 180. Dudu | § 181. Ktar | § 182. Nene | § 183. Yin | § 184. Mustig | § 185. T. S. Eridzoi | § 186. IN | § 187. IS | § 188. Dear R | § 189. US | § 190. Snoyw smudrto | § 191. M.
Fourth Pod
Dear Felix, I have found some work for you. First of all we must have an eye-to-eye monologue and get things settled.
§ 192. GI | § 193. Gonorturns | § 194. Intrussyan | § 195. Tree or a log | § 196. Tre | § 197. Raid Dirna | § 198. Er cerce di ore | § 199. Eye-purging amber | § 200. ON | § 201. Rare | § 202. Atoca Inhart | § 203. Lunch at Utressa | § 204. Oria | § 205. Gest | § 206. Contrary natures | § 207. Conception is a | § 208. Though starving | § 209. Sharp as an edge | § 210. On the ice | § 211. Ronish | § 212. Noro | § 213. Depreccata | § 214. Ruin no fields | § 215. Cru und ruu | § 216. No Parka Gods | § 217. AH | § 218. R | § 219. Et sgoi cri | § 220. Iagip | § 221. Gals Saliba | § 222. Idle as Enly | § 223. Push pregnant Ada | § 224. Agrippese | § 225. Try sanding hulls | § 226. In a train or at sea | § 227. Osnak | § 228. Og Firrsan | § 229. N | § 230. RA | § 231. Raip tease | § 232. I luv Glemep | § 233. Lube | § 234. Ubag | § 235. L-SOF | § 236. Sled | § 237. Subios | § 238. Blessing | § 239. STX | § 240. Abandoned stable | § 241. NO | § 242. Eggs for sex | § 243. AY.
Fifth Pod
Keeping my eyes fixed to the ground, I shook his right hand with my left, simultaneously picked up the fallen stick, and sat down on the bench beside him.
§ 244. Berdiwar | § 245. Bergerie | § 246. E.-B. Ervani | § 247. Ebaivibr | § 248. Ra berîya | § 249. Re bristx | § 250. Gir berek | § 251. Dr. E. B. Nwie | § 252. Evin berx | § 253. Ivre badw | § 254. Riswa bir | § 255. Wairebaa | § 256. Îbtîdara | § 257. Anyerirn | § 258. Erxewanî | § 259. Riakxrai | § 260. Burrasca | § 261. Bêabrûyî | § 262. Ebeobehl | § 263. Ubriacar | § 264. Arboreal | § 265. Rebrirzi | § 266. Birkîyam | § 267. Rook beds | § 268. Raibbabe | § 269. Abri bien | § 270. Ucreibra | § 271. See Yabhu | § 272. Yazdehan | § 273. Cha abran | § 274. Iris nuns | § 275. All means | § 276. Burglary | § 277. Brishind | § 278. Rbelagae | § 279. Ubinecir | § 280. Iiboropk | § 281. Re beruni | § 282. Sneberay | § 283. Glo Bersh | § 284. Herebeca | § 285. Lare barg | § 286. Icurabit | § 287. Agore bar | § 288. Ninsrata | § 289. Rapacity | § 290. Dr. I. H. Gryx | § 291. Yek yatax.
Sixth Pod
The nonexistence of God is simple to prove.
§ 292. Into my grave | § 293. I’m imaginary | § 294. Moéu Noäu Nin | § 295. No sé si no leo | § 296. Ishtar’s Hand | § 297. Teh Larubatu | § 298. Melos e artes | § 299. Out of the air | § 300. As a finalist | § 301. Mnasiakakoe | § 302. Girtablullu | § 303. Y or en Barbès | § 304. Inuhka Bloip | § 305. Gasa Albiano | § 306. Nobe Arinami | § 307. Ruhr-Lülnrar | § 308. Ala Akbar Nod | § 309. Anatilo Ante | § 310. Retio e natsa | § 311. Vineslimosa | § 312. You’re so real | § 313. End stupid AL.
Seventh Pod
To begin with, let us take the following motto (not especially for this chapter, but generally): Literature is Love. Now we can continue.
§ 314. Duchamp, M. | § 315. Dr. A. G. Oman | § 316. R. Roussel | § 317. Ure Aders | § 318. A. Ebsalai | § 319. Cobra, Dav. | § 320. G. Arshile | § 321. Hussein, T. | § 322. Oda Elton | § 323. Asa Hlzts | § 324. Medi Zana | § 325. M. S. Litarn | § 326. Aran Tron | § 327. Pealono, N. | § 328. NSVT SNNT | § 329. M. Lienant.
Eighth Pod
Early next morning — it was not nine yet — I made my way to one of the central underground stations and there, at the top of the stairs, took up a strategical position.
§ 330. Ego Art Role | § 331. Erie | § 332. Gal V | § 333. Other cunt’s halo | § 334. A Tara T Dirty | § 335. RITM | § 336. TD | § 337. Rape being my urge | § 338. Orated Bieyda | § 339. Lupanares | § 340. Ene | § 341. EP | § 342. Elite tears | § 343. Pestle plea | § 344. Cratti D’Aruntles | § 345. Conjunctivism | § 346. Trash thug vigor | § 347. Stairs and jars | § 348. Oil hat | § 349. Paperist | § 350. Never meet a | § 351. Earthy augury | § 352. Atta | § 353. J | § 354. RA | § 355. Abenaseli | § 356. Asectairage | § 357. Unict | § 358. Nolan E. Deal | § 359. Irora Rexni | § 360. Redashter | § 361. Noruda Tibreteps | § 362. Asa Egagal | § 363. Clonish Niechala | § 364. Tartray Gesturen | § 365. In a steamy | § 366. AGSAD | § 367. Verhy guyd | § 368. IV | § 369. J | § 370. Idea | § 371. Agua Prieta | § 372. Pinc | § 373. Eiop | § 374. Tent | § 375. Sex Logur | § 376. Ows | § 377. Iagier | § 378. Manowar Gingoons | § 379. IX | § 380. LI | § 381. Sly excerpt.
Ninth Pod
To tell the truth, I feel rather weary. I keep on writing from noon to dawn, producing a chapter per day — or more. What a great powerful thing art is!
§ 382. RT | § 383. Razor | § 384. Trevi Pulsar Nemo | § 385. Assez off, Paul | § 386. ATD Den | § 387. SH | § 388. Super bop go man | § 389. Esorglar y fin | § 390. Zersionylladaru | § 391. OA | § 392. F | § 393. F. Maa | § 394. Paul Klee | § 395. Anti | § 396. Une taviette lèse | § 397. Lazy geese | § 398. Arathu Sea | § 399. Anim û Kali | § 400. Manna | § 401. Zend | § 402. Por | § 403. Sautez | § 404. SNE Dynagon Pod | § 405. Ovid personality | § 406. Payment | § 407. Olnziiankta R | § 408. Rime argile | § 409. K | § 410. AG | § 411. Puny blond slave | § 412. Sagradu | § 413. Aryan ikon | § 414. Auk | § 415. As awake as | § 416. Moanzy aerie | § 417. Slake prying eyes | § 418. Kafkaist | § 419. A slangy liar | § 420. Ate | § 421. Waif to flag aunt | § 422. Urcner | § 423. AR | § 424. K | § 425. Miano Driec | § 426. Ceder | § 427. Knead and knuckle | § 428. Emir | § 429. Daso | § 430. Eemian | § 431. ATP | § 432. Noed | § 433. Amiss | § 434. B. Rao pense | § 435. BM | § 436. PE | § 437. Sort of murder | § 438. F | § 439. ER.
Tenth Pod
Since childhood I’ve loved violets and music.
§ 440. Sugar | § 441. Sprawl | § 442. User | § 443. GI | § 444. A | § 445. RER | § 446. Enervates | § 447. Erautist | § 448. Nyctonosticist | § 449. Enkylistse | § 450. RD | § 451. Velasto Prastier | § 452. Arist | § 453. Taste | § 454. Este | § 455. Star word | § 456. PSI | § 457. Eurynderast | § 458. Urdostoist | § 459. RE | § 460. Arrack | § 461. Ass | § 462. Lista | § 463. Arts | § 464. Tawrim | § 465. Duty | § 466. Aster | § 467. W | § 468. Asso Toloste | § 469. Sarprostium | § 470. OS | § 471. W | § 472. Law | § 473. Aerolexist | § 474. Asinist | § 475. PO | § 476. Portraits | § 477. Erartsos | § 478. AM | § 479. OD | § 480. DWI | § 481. OR | § 482. Rim pot stop word | § 483. OAS | § 484. Ostiose | § 485. Mom | § 486. Mele(s/z)es | § 487. RI | § 488. Tsarist | § 489. EL | § 490. Ostiesa | § 491. Tiliar | § 492. Tri | § 493. INTEC | § 494. Lepastic | § 495. Piste | § 496. A star | § 497. Saian | § 498. A surd | § 499. Exist | § 500. Liant soit | § 501. Anew | § 502. Nopo | § 503. (S/Z)isti | § 504. Isnoiuste | § 505. Estaurate Peresc | § 506. RE | § 507. Stermer | § 508. Word.
Final Pod
I have moved to a slightly higher altitude: disaster made me shift my quarters.
§ 509. D | § 510. D. I. Swopes | § 511. Spry | § 512. Sappers | § 513. Pro Ove | § 514. RI | § 515. Yen | § 516. Mold | § 517. Maori | § 518. Obit no | § 519. Ludict | § 520. Drupe | § 521. Tic | § 522. Tixpu | § 523. Coal pit | § 524. Ariel | § 525. Lip nursers | § 526. Babur | § 527. Blorhn | § 528. Iso Epo | § 529. Erd Edda | § 530. Nimloidu | § 531. Mopsi | § 532. Xwarpo | § 533. Poor tip | § 534. Poldevian prince | § 535. Inframoimo | § 536. Agisteo | § 537. Upper Engush | § 538. OT | § 539. Eids | § 540. Firing | § 541. Geladra | § 542. STD | § 543. RSS | § 544. End | § 545. Name act | § 546. Debarked | § 547. Aerate | § 548. Errors | § 549. Rollu | § 550. Alae | § 551. Asiurne | § 552. SR | § 553. Shoots | § 554. Rest up | § 555. Romer’s Samba | § 556. Sector | § 557. As Est | § 558. Their loose ideas | § 559. Testa | § 560. Idols | § 561. Eosdoli | § 562. Curare | § 563. Soto Rumi | § 564. Ink | § 565. Tracks | § 566. TTULS | § 567. Onion | § 568. IO | § 569. Tet | § 570. Asps | § 571. Kore | § 572. D.
“L’ensemble des chevilles d’un ouvrage” (E. Littré, Dictionnaire de la langue française); “le chevillage se fait généralement à la mécanique, mais il se fait aussi à la main” (Journal officiel).
« Si j’éprouve trop souvent l’impression affligeante d’être séparé de la nature par une multiplicité d’écrans, je crois qu’on peut découvrir le reflet de ceux-ci dans la façon que j’ai d’écrire, même si l’on n’est pas admis à observer ce qui se passe entre les quatre murs en lesquels se matérialise, géométriquement, le secret de mon cabinet. Dans chaque phrase que j’agence — ou presque — apparaissent tôt ou tard (surgis d’emblée ou introduits après coup) un nombre variable de mots jouant un rôle de second plan, soit qu’ils répondent à un besoin (de jour en jour plus accablant) de précautions oratoires ou d’attendus circonstanciés, soit qu’ils figurent de simples chevilles dues à mes exigences pour ce qui touche au rythme (puisqu’il s’avère que, même si j’écris en prose, je ne puis m’empêcher d’exprimer ma pensée sous formes de périodes, de groupes de propositions toujours plus ou moins cadencées). Correctifs à une assertion qui me paraît hasardeuse à l’instant même que je l’ai formulée ou vulgaires tampons sonores dont je rembourre ma phrase — telle une bête malade à qui un maquignon insuffle, au moment de la vendre, les apparences de la santé —, ces mots, dont je tiens à ce qu’ils se justifient à la fois quant à la logique du discours et quant à son balancement (ne pouvant pas plus souffrir la présence d’un additif qui troublerait la période que celle d’éléments dont la nature de chevilles serait par trop manifeste), il est loisible à qui prendra la peine (voire même à qui ne prendra pas la peine) d’examiner d’un peu près la structure de mes phrases, de les reconnaître, au vrai, pour ce qu’ils sont : des formations parasitaires qui prolifèrent dans tout ce que j’écris, masquant la pensée authentique plutôt qu’ils ne l’aident à se traduire avec plus de précision et se révélant à tout compte fait comme une série d’écrans, qui s’interposent entre mes idées et moi, les estompent, les étouffent sous le poids d’une trop grande masse verbale, finissent par me les rendre étrangères ou les dissoudre complètement, de même que trop de sensations accumulées, si elles demeurent dans les limites où je puis les savourer, loin de s’étayer mutuellement et de représenter autant de débouchés sur le réel sont des halos qui l’embuent ou les membranes qui m’en séparent. » (Michel Leiris, Biffures, Paris, Gallimard, 1948, p. 84.)

While these things were going on in the open air, an elderly gentleman of scientific attainments was seated in his library, two or three houses off, writing a philosophical treatise, and ever and anon moistening his clay with a glass of claret from a venerable-looking bottle which stood by his side. In the agonies of composition, the elderly gentleman looked sometimes at the carpet, sometimes at the ceiling, and sometimes at the wall; and when neither carpet, ceiling, nor wall, afforded the requisite degree of inspiration, he looked out of the window.
— C. Dickens

[ A not-for-profit instantiation of human imagination and human labor. ]
Copyright © 1996–2021 Michael Sean Strickland